Torrent Info
Title Five Nights at Freddys Security Breach
Category Games
Size 78.98GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
account_name.txt 10B
account_name.txt 10B
AkAudioInput.dll 100.50KB
AkCompressor.dll 107.50KB
AkConvolutionReverb.dll 191.00KB
AkDelay.dll 105.50KB
AkExpander.dll 105.50KB
AkFlanger.dll 126.50KB
AkGain.dll 100.50KB
AkGuitarDistortion.dll 139.00KB
AkHarmonizer.dll 194.00KB
AkMatrixReverb.dll 164.50KB
AkMotion.dll 184.00KB
AkParametricEQ.dll 128.50KB
AkPeakLimiter.dll 108.00KB
AkPitchShifter.dll 134.00KB
AkRecorder.dll 101.00KB
AkReflect.dll 161.50KB
AkRoomVerb.dll 213.00KB
AkSilenceGenerator.dll 91.50KB
AkSineTone.dll 101.00KB
AkSoundEngineDLL.dll 1.50MB
AkSoundSeedAir.dll 164.00KB
AkSoundSeedImpact.dll 129.00KB
AkStereoDelay.dll 140.00KB
AkSynthOne.dll 144.50KB
AkTimeStretch.dll 175.00KB
AkToneGen.dll 120.50KB
AkTremolo.dll 125.00KB
APEX_Clothing_x64.dll 1.16MB
APEX_Legacy_x64.dll 3.18MB
ApexFramework_x64.dll 1019.50KB
Auro.dll 2.42MB
CrashReportClient.exe 17.36MB
CrashReportClient.pak 45.11MB
dbghelp.dll 1.31MB
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FazbearEnt_v5.mp4 972.82KB
fnaf9.exe 448.00KB
fnaf9.pak.disabled 1.05GB
fnaf9-Win64-Shipping.exe 70.14MB
fnaf9-WindowsNoEditor.pak 76.31GB
FreddyBootUp-Concept_2.mp4 10.64MB
GFSDK_Aftermath_Lib.x64.dll 115.00KB
Hour_1_Menu.mp4 60.20MB
Hour_2_Menu.mp4 60.17MB
Hour_3_Menu.mp4 60.16MB
Hour_4_Menu.mp4 60.16MB
Hour_5_Menu.mp4 60.17MB
Hour_6_Menu.mp4 60.14MB
Hour_7_Menu.mp4 60.14MB
iZotope.dll 542.00KB
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language.txt 7B
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LastResort.ttf 5.15MB
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libvorbis_64.dll 1.63MB
libvorbisfile_64.dll 37.00KB
local_save.txt 19B
local_save.txt 19B
Manifest_DebugFiles_Win64.txt 1.09KB
Manifest_NonUFSFiles_Win64.txt 5.83KB
MasteringSuite.dll 193.00KB
McDSP.dll 278.00KB
Menu.mp4 234.45MB
MOV_animationtest_01.mp4 24.60MB
NewGame_Intro_Video.mp4 209.11MB
NvCloth_x64.dll 259.50KB
nvngx_dlss.dll 11.24MB
PhysX3_x64.dll 2.01MB
PhysX3Common_x64.dll 1.52MB
PhysX3Cooking_x64.dll 239.00KB
PxFoundation_x64.dll 53.50KB
PxPvdSDK_x64.dll 184.50KB
S0_FreddySaysHelloIntro.mp4 32.26MB
S1_Ending_GregoryEscapes.mp4 74.53MB
S1_Ending_LoadingDock.mp4 110.38MB
S1_Ending_VIP.mp4 124.62MB
S2_BEnding.mp4 69.31MB
S2_Ending_V1.mp4 87.19MB
S3_Ending_V2.mp4 83.77MB
steam_api64.dll 1.79MB
steam_api64.dll 1.79MB
xaudio2_9redist.dll 827.58KB
Distribution statistics by country
Russia (RU) 14
Turkey (TR) 2
Kazakhstan (KZ) 1
Switzerland (CH) 1
Ukraine (UA) 1
Total 19
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