Torrent Info
Title [ ] Udemy - Advanced SQL for Data Engineering
Size 1.41GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
1. Data normatlization (13).mp4 29.79MB
1. DateTime intro.mp4 53.56MB
1. ENUM.mp4 54.46MB
1. Introduction to the course.mp4 21.99MB
1. Intro SQL statements.mp4 18.55MB
1. OVER.mp4 98.87MB
1. Question 1.mp4 20.95MB
1. Stored procedures and UDFs (13).mp4 39.10MB
2. ARRAYs.mp4 42.92MB
2. Coure GitHub repository.html 773B
2. CREATE.mp4 21.09MB
2. CROSS JOIN.mp4 11.97MB
2. Data normatlization (23).mp4 16.66MB
2. Different DateTime types.mp4 22.34MB
2. Question 2.mp4 63.44MB
2. Stored procedures and UDFs (23).mp4 25.18MB
3. ALTER.mp4 10.72MB
3. Data normatlization (33).mp4 21.59MB
3. LATERAL JOIN.mp4 35.66MB
3. Question 3.mp4 10.99MB
3. RANGE.mp4 31.64MB
3. Setting up the environment.mp4 39.31MB
3. Stored procedures and UDFs (33).mp4 5.51MB
3. Timezones.mp4 56.90MB
4. An overview of relational databases.mp4 40.73MB
4. INSERT.mp4 9.08MB
4. Intervals.mp4 11.96MB
4. Nested data.mp4 49.27MB
4. Question 4.mp4 36.10MB
4. STAR schema Snowflake.mp4 18.60MB
4. Temp table.mp4 26.67MB
5. COALESCE.mp4 45.94MB
5. DDL, DML, DQL, DCL.mp4 38.32MB
5. Materialized view.mp4 34.53MB
5. UPDATE.mp4 7.71MB
6. CASE.mp4 36.91MB
6. DELETE.mp4 12.06MB
6. SQL syntax.mp4 41.38MB
6. Transactions.mp4 65.08MB
7. CONCAT.mp4 24.00MB
7. MERGE.mp4 24.89MB
7. SQL structures.mp4 68.80MB
8. DROP.mp4 8.35MB
8. Recursive CTE.mp4 23.98MB
9. Recursive CTE - second part.mp4 45.11MB
Bonus Resources.txt 386B
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url 182B
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