Torrent Info
Title Mastering C++ Programming - From Zero to Hero
Size 10.03GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
0 263.83KB
1 511.36KB
1.1 FriendClass.cpp 568B
1.1 LambdaExpr.cpp 281B
1.1 namespace.cpp 318B
1.1 SBind.cpp 338B
1. Basic Structure of a C++ Program.mp4 22.40MB
1. Course Introduction.mp4 56.61MB
1. Flow Control Statements in C++.mp4 31.31MB
1. Friend Function.mp4 56.07MB
1. Introduction to Arrays.mp4 30.30MB
1. Introduction to Exception Handling.mp4 27.20MB
1. Introduction to Files and Streams.mp4 27.40MB
1. Introduction to Functions.mp4 72.34MB
1. Introduction to Inheritance.mp4 86.55MB
1. Introduction to OOPs.mp4 54.44MB
1. Introduction to Operator Overloading in C++.mp4 46.00MB
1. Introduction to Pointers in C++.mp4 41.20MB
1. Introduction to Polymorphism.mp4 93.83MB
1. Introduction to STL in C++.mp4 50.13MB
1. Introduction to Strings.mp4 68.60MB
1. Introduction to Templates.mp4 16.91MB
1. Lambda Expressions.mp4 96.21MB
1. Structured bindings to unpack bundled return values.mp4 89.41MB
1. Understanding Loops.mp4 9.76MB
1. Understanding NameSpace in detail.mp4 41.47MB
10 175.51KB
10.1 Perfect.cpp 471B
10.1 RecursionFibonaci.cpp 454B
10.1 StrSubString.cpp 426B
10.1 UpCastAndDownCast.cpp 1.78KB
10. 2 Dimensional Arrays.mp4 52.36MB
10.2 StrFind.cpp 876B
10.3 StrCopy.cpp 255B
10.4 StrRFind.cpp 339B
10.5 StringCompare.cpp 552B
10. InputOutput(IO) functions in C++.mp4 29.61MB
10. Practice Program for UpCasting and DownCasting processes.mp4 65.57MB
10. Programming Challenge & Solution - Finding the Grade of a Student.mp4 61.83MB
10. Programming Challenge & Solution - Find Whether a number is a PERFECT NUM or NOT.mp4 74.57MB
10. Programming Challenge - To Create Universal and Standard Time (Use Constructors).mp4 23.95MB
10. Quiz # 6.html 162B
10. Solution to Programming Challenge - Fibonacci Series.mp4 30.92MB
10. String Class Operations - Copy, find, rfind, substr, compare.mp4 125.50MB
100 941.77KB
101 2.00KB
102 42.92KB
103 392.05KB
104 563.56KB
105 135.61KB
106 936.97KB
107 697.95KB
108 797.01KB
109 899.69KB
11 381.60KB
11.1 FuncOverRiding.cpp 400B
11.1 IfBii.cpp 776B
11.1 MatrixAdd.cpp 1.22KB
11. Function Overriding.mp4 35.99MB
11. Introduction to Operators in C++.mp4 34.55MB
11. Practice Program - Addition and Subtraction of 2 Matrices.mp4 82.23MB
11. Programming Challenge - Change the case for a String.mp4 32.78MB
11. Programming Challenge - Reverse a given Number.mp4 44.87MB
11. Solution to Programming Challenge - Generate Electricity Bill Charges.mp4 44.08MB
11. Solution to Programming Challenge - To Create Universal and Standard Time.mp4 90.64MB
110 455.35KB
111 474.28KB
112 781.19KB
113 192.64KB
114 213.50KB
115 289.73KB
116 540.59KB
117 815.49KB
118 106.30KB
119 158.40KB
12 949.55KB
12.1 changeCasesOfLetters.cpp 406B
12.1 MatrixMult.cpp 1.33KB
12.1 Reverse.cpp 476B
12. Arithmetic Operators.mp4 19.94MB
12. Practice Program - Demonstrating Multiple Inheritance.mp4 62.46MB
12. Programming Challenge & Solution - Multiplication of 2 Matrices.mp4 67.98MB
12. Solution to Programming Challenge - Change the case for a String.mp4 35.98MB
12. Solution to Programming Challenge - Reverse a given Number.mp4 31.64MB
120 396.55KB
121 241.40KB
122 400.49KB
123 489.47KB
124 591.78KB
125 613.06KB
126 889.24KB
127 1019.75KB
128 1022.19KB
129 612.21KB
13 367.80KB
13.1 3DDemo.c 835B
13. 3 Dimensional Arrays.mp4 49.86MB
13. Increment Decrement Operators.mp4 52.55MB
13. Programming Challenge - Check whether a string is PALINDROME or NOT.mp4 10.62MB
13. Programming Challenge - Creating Employee Class Using Multiple Inheritance.mp4 80.83MB
13. Understanding do-while loop in C++.mp4 49.96MB
130 972.59KB
131 28.85KB
132 444.93KB
133 738.68KB
134 387.12KB
135 11.10KB
136 23.28KB
137 194.75KB
138 737.48KB
139 462.15KB
14 781.22KB
14.1 Palendrome.cpp 462B
14. Assignment Operators.mp4 26.34MB
14. Programming Challenge - Finding GCD of 2 numbers using Iteration.mp4 29.03MB
14. Programming Challenge - Using Hierarchical Inheritance.mp4 71.57MB
14. Quiz # 5.html 162B
14. Solution to Programming Challenge - Check whether a string is PALINDROME or NOT.mp4 30.04MB
140 194.06KB
141 270.89KB
142 421.29KB
143 810.26KB
144 836.34KB
145 221.99KB
146 344.92KB
147 377.10KB
148 683.02KB
149 796.45KB
15 607.42KB
15.1 GCDItr.cpp 465B
15. Programming Challenge - Count the # of Vowels, consonants and words from a Strin.mp4 19.59MB
15. Relational Operators.mp4 19.65MB
15. Solution to Programming Challenge - Finding GCD of 2 numbers using Iteration.mp4 39.40MB
150 886.18KB
151 371.26KB
152 551.82KB
153 706.65KB
154 899.74KB
155 67.67KB
156 86.43KB
157 717.34KB
158 984.92KB
159 282.73KB
16 274.64KB
16.1 countingVowelsAndWordsInString.cpp 646B
16. Logical Operators.mp4 29.28MB
16. Solution to Programming Challenge - Count the Vowels, consonants and words.mp4 29.65MB
16. Understanding Nested loops in C++.mp4 124.62MB
160 362.06KB
161 400.73KB
162 608.00KB
163 734.18KB
164 763.85KB
165 994.71KB
166 75.43KB
167 172.84KB
168 265.57KB
169 474.02KB
17 457.32KB
17.1 Operators.cpp 311B
17. Practice Program - Operators.mp4 81.62MB
17. Programming Challenge - Find whether a number is PALINDROME or NOT.mp4 27.55MB
17. Programming Challenge - Validate Username from given email address.mp4 19.90MB
170 497.62KB
171 669.78KB
172 763.67KB
173 827.93KB
174 407.23KB
175 460.76KB
176 614.18KB
177 821.13KB
178 398.74KB
179 672.00KB
18 239.50KB
18.1 findingUsernameFromEmail.cpp 682B
18.1 Palendrome.cPP 589B
18. Bit-wise Operators.mp4 28.54MB
18. Solution to Programming Challenge - Find whether a number is PALINDROME or NOT.mp4 39.13MB
18. Solution to Programming Challenge - Validate Username from given email address.mp4 48.46MB
180 1.99KB
181 130.24KB
182 4.93KB
183 49.70KB
184 223.65KB
185 771.28KB
186 936.66KB
187 613.13KB
188 916.03KB
189 65.15KB
19 283.29KB
19.1 BitwiseOprtrs.C 1.19KB
19. Practice Program - Bit-wise Operators.mp4 104.96MB
19. Programming Challenge - Printing Multiplication Table.mp4 32.33MB
190 103.92KB
191 355.86KB
192 417.61KB
193 521.57KB
194 43.20KB
195 94.73KB
196 388.35KB
2 388.18KB
2.1 auto.cpp 285B
2.1 FriendClass.cpp 568B
2.1 Initializer.cpp 370B
2.1 PreProcessor.cpp 357B
2.1 virtualfuncs.cpp 1007B
2. auto and decltype.mp4 63.58MB
2. Basic Concepts of Arrays.mp4 84.40MB
2. Decision Control Statements including if , if-else, nested-if and if-else Ladder.mp4 63.65MB
2. Friend Class.mp4 47.43MB
2. Function Overloading.mp4 45.96MB
2. Function Template in C++.mp4 39.61MB
2. Instructor's Note.mp4 32.13MB
2. Keywords and Identifiers in C++.mp4 68.55MB
2. Objects and Classes.mp4 73.22MB
2. Operator Overloading Types.mp4 104.65MB
2. PreProcessor Directives - #define, #ifndef, #include etc..mp4 58.52MB
2. Reading and Writing a String.mp4 35.28MB
2. STL Containers.mp4 39.00MB
2. The New Bracket Initializer Rules.mp4 78.56MB
2. Types of FILES.mp4 47.15MB
2. Types of Inheritance supported by C++.mp4 70.97MB
2. Understanding the Working of Exception Handling.mp4 23.25MB
2. Understanding While Loop in C++.mp4 62.80MB
2. Virtual Functions.mp4 76.34MB
2. Why Pointers.mp4 27.60MB
20 609.89KB
20.1 MultTable.cpp 336B
20. sizeof Operator.mp4 24.87MB
20. Solution to Programming Challenge - Printing Multiplication Table.mp4 43.32MB
21 792.81KB
21.1 pascalTri.cpp 367B
21. Programming Challenge & Solution - Generate Pascal Triangle using Nested Loops.mp4 47.45MB
21. Ternary operator.mp4 32.63MB
22 862.40KB
22.1 InfiniteLoop.cpp 154B
22. Infinite Loop.mp4 42.24MB
22. Operator Precedence and Associativity.mp4 40.61MB
23 915.33KB
23. Goto and Labels in C++.mp4 39.52MB
23. Quiz # 2.html 162B
24 389.88KB
24. Understanding break and continue statements.mp4 61.52MB
25 169.52KB
25. Understanding Switch Case Statements in C++.mp4 32.22MB
26 453.88KB
26.1 PPSwitchCase.cpp 612B
26. Practice Program - Switch Case Control Statements.mp4 48.91MB
27 496.75KB
27.1 PCCalculator.cpp 675B
27. Programming Challenge & Solution - Build a Simple Calculator using Switch-Case.mp4 45.62MB
28 75.98KB
29 606.09KB
3 330.46KB
3.1 AotuDeduce.cpp 524B
3.1 ArrayIntr.cpp 308B
3.1 ClassTEmplate.cpp 956B
3.1 Complex.cpp 2.29KB
3.1 Constant.cpp 256B
3.1 DemoWhile.cpp 339B
3.1 ExceptionHandlingConstruct.cpp 407B
3.1 final.cpp 354B
3.1 innerclass.cpp 529B
3.2 ClassTEmplate2.cpp 640B
3. Automatically Deducing the Resulting Template Class Type with Constructor.mp4 61.12MB
3. Class Templates in C++ with Practice Program.mp4 76.41MB
3. Comments in C++.mp4 26.00MB
3. Const - Constant Qualifier in C++.mp4 41.81MB
3. Inner Class.mp4 28.93MB
3. InputOutput Files.mp4 37.28MB
3. Install, Setup and Settings of used IDE's.mp4 43.12MB
3. Member Access Specifiers.mp4 82.16MB
3. More...on Classes.mp4 92.07MB
3. Operator Overloading using friend function.mp4 54.56MB
3. Pointer to a pointer.mp4 60.19MB
3. Practice Program #1 using Exception Handling.mp4 28.74MB
3. Practice Program - Demonstrating working of while Loop.mp4 39.42MB
3. Practice Program - To Display the Array Elements in Reverse order.mp4 36.62MB
3. Practice Program- using Conditional statements.mp4 23.09MB
3. Run Time Polymorphism.mp4 49.68MB
3. STL Iterators.mp4 37.57MB
3. String Functions in C++.mp4 98.51MB
3. The final keyword.mp4 32.66MB
3. User define functions.mp4 41.79MB
30 672.83KB
31 657.12KB
32 441.60KB
33 309.58KB
34 799.51KB
35 909.48KB
36 158.82KB
37 420.67KB
38 599.07KB
39 677.86KB
4 617.04KB
4.1 AlgoDemo.cpp 481B
4.1 ClassesPP.cpp 1.18KB
4.1 Exception.cpp 384B
4.1 foldExprn.cpp 369B
4.1 inlineFun.cpp 412B
4.1 MyFirst.cpp 192B
4.1 ParaPassing.cpp 536B
4.1 rational.cpp 1.38KB
4.1 smartptr.cpp 475B
4.1 templateSpecial.cpp 734B
4.1 TextFile.cpp 335B
4.1 VirtualDestructors.cpp 357B
4. Another Practice Program - using Conditional statements.mp4 28.25MB
4. Base Class Pointer with Derived Class Object.mp4 39.00MB
4. First C++ Program.mp4 59.11MB
4. Fold Expressions.mp4 69.64MB
4. Inline Functions in C++.mp4 53.01MB
4. Parameter Passing Mechanism with Program.mp4 109.68MB
4. Pointer Arithmetic.mp4 28.51MB
4. Practice Program #2 using Exception Handling.mp4 20.11MB
4. Practice Program - Classes in C++.mp4 60.74MB
4. Practice Program using Files.mp4 28.83MB
4. Program Demonstrating Comments in C++.mp4 29.25MB
4. Programming Challenge & Solution - Rational Numbers using Operator Overloading.mp4 93.63MB
4. Programming challenge - Linear Search.mp4 24.00MB
4. STL Classes - Using Iterator and Container classes.mp4 85.77MB
4. String Class - An introduction.mp4 29.41MB
4. Template Specialization in C++ with Practice Program.mp4 53.53MB
4. The smart pointers.mp4 42.56MB
4. Understanding For Loop in C++.mp4 57.38MB
4. Virtual Destructors.mp4 37.97MB
40 862.13KB
41 444.85KB
42 30.26KB
43 370.57KB
44 412.33KB
45 465.38KB
46 24.15KB
47 133.96KB
48 439.33KB
49 361.96KB
5 44.50KB
5.1 AbstractClass.cpp 782B
5.1 AllAboutThrow.cpp 496B
5.1 ClassesPP.cpp 1.18KB
5.1 Complex.cpp 2.29KB
5.1 DemoFor.cpp 325B
5.1 ellipsis.cpp 448B
5.1 FileOprs.cpp 235B
5.1 IfMax.cpp 322B
5.1 Linearsearch.cpp 649B
5.1 PointerArthmt.cpp 1.13KB
5. File Operations.mp4 38.40MB
5. Insertion() and Extraction() operators.mp4 73.70MB
5. Pointers and Arrays.mp4 107.40MB
5. Practice Program#1 - To Demonstrate Simple Inheritance.mp4 35.81MB
5. Practice Program #2 on Classes in C++.mp4 31.46MB
5. Practice Program #3 using Exception Handling.mp4 23.78MB
5. Practice Program - Demonstrating working of for Loop.mp4 52.98MB
5. Practice Program - Finding Maximum of 2 numbers using if condition.mp4 33.21MB
5. Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Class in C++.mp4 52.27MB
5. Solution to Programming Challenge - Linear Search.mp4 51.46MB
5. STL Algorithms.mp4 157.68MB
5. Storage Classes in C++.mp4 43.22MB
5. String Class Member Functions - Constructors, Destructors and operator =.mp4 85.72MB
5. The working of Ellpsis.mp4 46.08MB
5. Variables, Literals and Constants in C++.mp4 72.41MB
5. Writing an Algorithm.mp4 26.61MB
50 428.99KB
51 712.51KB
52 204.98KB
53 508.36KB
54 553.23KB
55 170.27KB
56 492.41KB
57 773.17KB
58 899.56KB
59 263.89KB
6 362.24KB
6.1 AllAboutCatch.cpp 293B
6.1 InClassInit.cpp 276B
6.1 ItrcBegincEnd.cpp 221B
6.1 SortndReverse.cpp 900B
6.1 ternary.cpp 379B
6. All About different Catches.mp4 51.08MB
6. Constructors and Destructors.mp4 48.00MB
6. Drawing a Flow chart.mp4 38.05MB
6. Dynamic Memory Allocation.mp4 45.45MB
6. Practice Program#2 - To Demonstrate Simple Inheritance.mp4 86.73MB
6. Programming Challenge and its Solution - Finding Max of 2 and 3 using Ternary op.mp4 76.93MB
6. Programming Challenge - Binary Search.mp4 59.13MB
6. Programming Challenge - To check whether a given Number is Armstrong No. or not.mp4 49.55MB
6. Program using STL Algorithms - Sort, Reverse, MaxElement, Minelement etc.mp4 73.11MB
6. Recursive functions.mp4 54.62MB
6. Stream Positioning in Files.mp4 33.81MB
6. String Iterators with Program - begin, end, rbegin, rend, crbegin, crend.mp4 56.28MB
6. The new form of Initializer.mp4 29.72MB
6. Why Data Types.mp4 53.05MB
60 830.69KB
61 886.54KB
62 912.12KB
63 949.60KB
64 494.43KB
65 410.60KB
66 634.75KB
67 396.09KB
68 736.76KB
69 956.88KB
7 498.13KB
7.1 BinarySearch.cpp 787B
7.1 countFind.cpp 481B
7.1 FileSize.cpp 423B
7.1 MaxandMinArray.cpp 602B
7.1 UserDEfinedExcep.cpp 1.14KB
7.1 ValidateNo.cpp 530B
7. Data Types in C++.mp4 39.76MB
7. Different Types of Constructors.mp4 94.27MB
7. Practice Program - Finding Maximum and Minimum Numbers from an Array.mp4 61.24MB
7. Practice Program to demonstrate Stream Positioning in Files.mp4 28.19MB
7. Program Development and Execution.mp4 72.59MB
7. Programming Challenge & Solution - Using Simple Inheritance.mp4 72.84MB
7. Programming challenge - GCD of 2 given numbers.mp4 17.96MB
7. Programming Challenge - Validating number for negative or positive.mp4 40.85MB
7. Program using STL Algorithms - Count and find.mp4 42.54MB
7. Reference in C++.mp4 33.74MB
7. Solution to Programming Challenge - Binary Search.mp4 48.12MB
7. String Capacity Functions with Program- Size, Length, Capacity, Max_size.mp4 72.16MB
7. User Defined Exception Class.mp4 65.87MB
70 389.10KB
71 455.16KB
72 570.52KB
73 721.30KB
74 405.71KB
75 479.63KB
76 970.17KB
77 1012.83KB
78 23.55KB
79 464.79KB
8 807.46KB
8.1 ClassesPP.cpp 1.18KB
8.1 GCDRec.cpp 471B
8.1 LBandUB.cpp 545B
8.1 ModInsert.cpp 910B
8.1 ReadingTextFile.cpp 380B
8.1 Roots.cpp 1.05KB
8.1 SumofElemArray.cpp 354B
8.2 ModReplace.cpp 805B
8.3 ModAppend.cpp 598B
8.4 ModSwap.cpp 405B
8. Expressions and Precedence.mp4 53.60MB
8. Practice Program - To Demonstrate Multi-Level Inheritance.mp4 51.60MB
8. Practice Program using Constructors.mp4 75.36MB
8. Problems with Pointers.mp4 33.59MB
8. Programming Challenge & Solution - Finding the Roots and Nature of Roots.mp4 78.51MB
8. Programming Challenge & Solution - Sum of Elements of an Array.mp4 50.62MB
8. Program using STL -LowerBound and UpperBound of Binary Search Algorithms.mp4 33.18MB
8. Quiz # 1.html 162B
8. Range-Based for Loop.mp4 63.30MB
8. Reading from a Text File.mp4 41.72MB
8. Solution to Programming challenge - GCD of 2 given numbers.mp4 40.90MB
8. String Modifier Functions with Program - append, replace, insert, swap.mp4 82.11MB
80 514.62KB
81 656.30KB
82 742.50KB
83 413.18KB
84 547.85KB
85 943.36KB
86 389.10KB
87 889.59KB
88 891.85KB
89 43.22KB
9 749.02KB
9.1 ClassesPP.cpp 1.18KB
9.1 EleAccFront.cpp 190B
9.1 erase.cpp 1.06KB
9.1 Expressions.cpp 388B
9.1 Factors.cpp 295B
9.1 FileSerial.cpp 1.24KB
9.1 Pointers.cpp 483B
9.2 EleAccAT.cpp 209B
9.3 EleAccOpr.cpp 190B
9.4 EleAccBack.cpp 190B
9. Implementing Serialization in C++.mp4 90.24MB
9. Multi-Dimensional Arrays.mp4 19.49MB
9. Practice Program - Expression.mp4 59.07MB
9. Programming Challenge & Solution - Finding the Factors of a Number.mp4 57.60MB
9. Programming Challenge - Compute the Sum and Absolute difference using Pointers.mp4 62.50MB
9. Programming challenge - Fibonacci Series.mp4 31.12MB
9. Programming Challenge - Generate Electricity Bill Charges.mp4 28.35MB
9. Program using STL Algorithms - erase Algorithm.mp4 50.13MB
9. String Element Access Functions with Program - [], at, back, front.mp4 54.30MB
9. Uniform Initialization using Constructors.mp4 52.50MB
9. Upcasting and Downcasting.mp4 30.93MB
90 142.34KB
91 326.70KB
92 456.56KB
93 89.67KB
94 548.95KB
95 896.80KB
96 2.09KB
97 562.30KB
98 579.52KB
99 870.75KB 61B
Distribution statistics by country
Finland (FI) 1
Brazil (BR) 1
Slovak Republic (SK) 1
Total 3
IP List List of IP addresses which were distributed this torrent