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Название Build a Complete Registration and Login System using PHP MVC
Тип Приложение для PC
Размер 647.00Мб

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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
1.1 Course prerequisite Write PHP Like a Pro Build a PHP MVC Framework From Scratch.html 104б
1.1 css ui framework - Google Search.html 111б
1.1 full.sql.sql 1.42Кб
1.1 Laravel Flash Data.html 104б
1.1 PHP Runtime Configuration session cookie lifetime.html 143б
1.1 source-code.zip.zip 701б
1.1 source-code.zip.zip 474.54Кб
1.1 source-code.zip.zip 475.66Кб
1.1 source-code.zip.zip 990.21Кб
1.1 source-code.zip.zip 993.89Кб
1.1 The PDOStatement execute method.html 110б
1.2 Bootstrap.html 85б
1.2 source-code.zip.zip 478.71Кб
1.2 Symfony Flash Messages.html 123б
1.2 The PHP filter_var function.html 109б
1.3 Phalcon Flash Messages.html 119б
1.3 source-code.zip.zip 469.74Кб
1.3 UIkit.html 82б
1.4 Semantic UI.html 84б
1. Account activation confirm the user's email address.mp4 4.45Мб
1. Account activation confirm the user's email address.vtt 2.29Кб
1. Add a class to organise the authentication code in one place.mp4 7.58Мб
1. Add a class to organise the authentication code in one place.vtt 3.18Кб
1. Add an action to process the link and get the token from the URL.mp4 3.98Мб
1. Add an action to process the link and get the token from the URL.vtt 1.72Кб
1. Allow users to securely reset their passwords when they forget them.mp4 4.44Мб
1. Allow users to securely reset their passwords when they forget them.vtt 2.37Кб
1. Conclusion.mp4 2.26Мб
1. Conclusion.vtt 1.28Кб
1. Create and display the login page.mp4 5.85Мб
1. Create and display the login page.vtt 2.36Кб
1. Flash notification messages display status messages to users.mp4 4.86Мб
1. Flash notification messages display status messages to users.vtt 2.36Кб
1. How to remember the login after closing the browser.mp4 7.66Мб
1. How to remember the login after closing the browser.vtt 3.68Кб
1. Introduction.mp4 2.85Мб
1. Introduction.vtt 1.69Кб
1. Uniquely identify users username or email address.mp4 4.30Мб
1. Uniquely identify users username or email address.vtt 2.40Кб
1. Use a CSS UI framework to add styling and layout.mp4 4.00Мб
1. Use a CSS UI framework to add styling and layout.vtt 1.62Кб
1. User profile let the user update their own details.mp4 4.89Мб
1. User profile let the user update their own details.vtt 2.28Кб
1. Validate the data before saving the new user record.mp4 9.42Мб
1. Validate the data before saving the new user record.vtt 3.37Кб
1. Why you should validate data on the server as well as the client.mp4 4.70Мб
1. Why you should validate data on the server as well as the client.vtt 2.51Кб
10.1 Completely destroy a session in PHP example.html 157б
10.1 PHP superglobals.html 121б
10.1 source-code.zip.zip 480.47Кб
10.2 source-code.zip.zip 469.36Кб
10.2 source-code.zip.zip 475.29Кб
10. Add a user model with a save method.mp4 8.52Мб
10. Add a user model with a save method.vtt 4.02Кб
10. Destroy the session to log the user out.mp4 4.58Мб
10. Destroy the session to log the user out.vtt 2.09Кб
10. Prevent automatic login if the remember token has expired in the database.mp4 5.33Мб
10. Prevent automatic login if the remember token has expired in the database.vtt 1.99Кб
11.1 source-code.zip.zip 480.57Кб
11.1 The PHP session_regenerate_id function.html 120б
11.2 source-code.zip.zip 475.31Кб
11.3 The PHP htmlspecialchars function.html 115б
11.4 When and why should I use session_regenerate_id.html 152б
11. Forget the remembered login when logging out.mp4 8.46Мб
11. Forget the remembered login when logging out.vtt 2.70Кб
11. New user signup.html 116б
11. Sessions in PHP prevent session fixation attacks.mp4 7.77Мб
11. Sessions in PHP prevent session fixation attacks.vtt 4.01Кб
12. Login.html 116б
12. Remember me.html 116б
2.1 List of Apache - MySQL - PHP packages.html 151б
2.1 PHP random_bytes function.html 111б
2.1 source-code.zip.zip 469.90Кб
2.1 source-code.zip.zip 470.16Кб
2.1 source-code.zip.zip 474.63Кб
2.1 source-code.zip.zip 476.37Кб
2.1 source-code.zip.zip 477.68Кб
2.1 source-code.zip.zip 990.28Кб
2.1 source-code.zip.zip 334б
2.1 source-code.zip.zip 993.97Кб
2.1 source-code.zip.zip 995.55Кб
2.1 The PHPMailer library.html 99б
2.2 Bootstrap.html 85б
2.2 Can I use... Support table for the HTML5 pattern attribute.html 95б
2.2 Mailgun - Transactional Email API Service.html 84б
2.2 PHP uniqid function.html 105б
2.2 The HTML dl element.html 99б
2.2 The PDOStatement fetch method.html 108б
2.2 XAMPP web server and database package.html 101б
2.3 Mailgun PHP library.html 113б
2.3 PHP rand function.html 103б
2.4 source-code.zip.zip 1.16Мб
2.4 What are requirements for a HMAC secret key.html 164б
2.5 Random Key Generator.html 85б
2. Add account activation fields to the user table in the database.mp4 2.95Мб
2. Add account activation fields to the user table in the database.vtt 1.14Кб
2. Add a flash message when requiring login.mp4 4.45Мб
2. Add a flash message when requiring login.vtt 1.79Кб
2. Create the login action in the controller.mp4 3.55Мб
2. Create the login action in the controller.vtt 1.73Кб
2. Generate unique, random tokens and secure hashes.mp4 6.77Мб
2. Generate unique, random tokens and secure hashes.vtt 3.02Кб
2. Get access to an email service.mp4 7.02Мб
2. Get access to an email service.vtt 3.11Кб
2. Get the current logged-in user and display their profile data.mp4 6.24Мб
2. Get the current logged-in user and display their profile data.vtt 1.75Кб
2. Get the user based on the token and check the expiry.mp4 7.79Мб
2. Get the user based on the token and check the expiry.vtt 2.95Кб
2. Include the Bootstrap framework.mp4 4.12Мб
2. Include the Bootstrap framework.vtt 1.34Кб
2. Install a PHP web server and a database server on your computer.mp4 4.20Мб
2. Install a PHP web server and a database server on your computer.vtt 2.07Кб
2. Restrict a page to logged-in users only.mp4 4.97Мб
2. Restrict a page to logged-in users only.vtt 2.29Кб
2. Store passwords as securely as possible in the database.mp4 7.27Мб
2. Store passwords as securely as possible in the database.vtt 4.06Кб
2. Validate the email address is unique in the user table.mp4 5.08Мб
2. Validate the email address is unique in the user table.vtt 1.77Кб
2. Validate the signup page in the browser using HTML5 validation.mp4 5.52Мб
2. Validate the signup page in the browser using HTML5 validation.vtt 2.52Кб
3.1 Bootstrap CSS Containers.html 108б
3.1 Composer Dependency Manager for PHP.html 85б
3.1 Mailgun PHP API usage.html 105б
3.1 Most common passwords list.html 113б
3.1 Random Key Generator.html 85б
3.1 Should password fields retain their values if a form does not pass validation.html 181б
3.1 source-code.zip.zip 476.52Кб
3.1 source-code.zip.zip 477.83Кб
3.1 source-code.zip.zip 991.12Кб
3.1 source-code.zip.zip 992.13Кб
3.1 source-code.zip.zip 994.80Кб
3.1 The PDOStatement fetch method.html 108б
3.1 The validate.js JavaScript validation library.html 103б
3.2 PHP the password_hash function.html 112б
3.2 source-code.zip.zip 470.00Кб
3.2 source-code.zip.zip 479.15Кб
3.2 source-code.zip.zip 988.06Кб
3.2 source-code.zip.zip 995.58Кб
3.2 The jQuery Validation Plugin.html 90б
3.2 The PHP get_called_class function.html 115б
3.3 A simple PHPMailer example.html 116б
3.3 source-code.zip.zip 474.86Кб
3.3 The jQuery Validation Plugin CDN.html 148б
3.4 The jQuery CDN.html 85б
3.5 The jQuery JavaScript library.html 80б
3.6 source-code.zip.zip 470.36Кб
3. Add a class to generate and create hashes of random tokens.mp4 6.65Мб
3. Add a class to generate and create hashes of random tokens.vtt 2.79Кб
3. Add a class to send emails.mp4 6.32Мб
3. Add a class to send emails.vtt 2.42Кб
3. Add a container element and style the general layout.mp4 2.80Мб
3. Add a container element and style the general layout.vtt 1.06Кб
3. Add a JavaScript validation library.mp4 6.96Мб
3. Add a JavaScript validation library.vtt 3.21Кб
3. Create and display the edit profile form.mp4 6.31Мб
3. Create and display the edit profile form.vtt 2.27Кб
3. Create and display the password reset form.mp4 5.48Мб
3. Create and display the password reset form.vtt 1.71Кб
3. Display the flash messages to the user.mp4 5.50Мб
3. Display the flash messages to the user.vtt 2.38Кб
3. Display validation error messages in the signup form.mp4 6.13Мб
3. Display validation error messages in the signup form.vtt 3.10Кб
3. Find the user object using the email address.mp4 9.22Мб
3. Find the user object using the email address.vtt 3.98Кб
3. Generate a unique activation token upon signup.mp4 3.83Мб
3. Generate a unique activation token upon signup.vtt 1.31Кб
3. Generate secure salted password hashes.mp4 7.78Мб
3. Generate secure salted password hashes.vtt 3.46Кб
3. Install the PHP MVC framework.mp4 3.21Мб
3. Install the PHP MVC framework.vtt 1.72Кб
3. Redirect back to the originally requested page after login.mp4 5.34Мб
3. Redirect back to the originally requested page after login.vtt 2.40Кб
4.1 Bootstrap Forms CSS.html 95б
4.1 PHP the password_hash function.html 112б
4.1 source-code.zip.zip 470.42Кб
4.1 source-code.zip.zip 476.61Кб
4.1 source-code.zip.zip 477.88Кб
4.1 source-code.zip.zip 406б
4.1 source-code.zip.zip 988.89Кб
4.1 source-code.zip.zip 991.10Кб
4.1 source-code.zip.zip 992.75Кб
4.1 source-code.zip.zip 994.96Кб
4.1 The PHP password_hash function.html 112б
4.2 jQuery Validation Plugin rules.html 104б
4.2 List of standard lengths for database fields.html 146б
4.2 source-code.zip.zip 474.91Кб
4.2 source-code.zip.zip 995.69Кб
4.2 The jQuery Validation Plugin remote method.html 104б
4.3 List of built-in Validation methods for the jQuery Validation Plugin.html 145б
4.3 source-code.zip.zip 373б
4. Add a method to the core controller for requiring login.mp4 3.64Мб
4. Add a method to the core controller for requiring login.vtt 1.75Кб
4. Add flash messages when logging in.mp4 3.12Мб
4. Add flash messages when logging in.vtt 1.42Кб
4. Add styles to forms and input controls.mp4 5.71Мб
4. Add styles to forms and input controls.vtt 2.11Кб
4. Authenticate the user by verifying their password is correct.mp4 6.08Мб
4. Authenticate the user by verifying their password is correct.vtt 2.58Кб
4. Configure the web server to use the framework.mp4 2.62Мб
4. Configure the web server to use the framework.vtt 1.53Кб
4. Create a database table to store remembered logins.mp4 4.53Мб
4. Create a database table to store remembered logins.vtt 1.78Кб
4. Create a database table to store user accounts.mp4 5.78Мб
4. Create a database table to store user accounts.vtt 2.72Кб
4. Create and display the forgotten password page.mp4 2.53Мб
4. Create and display the forgotten password page.vtt 1.14Кб
4. Extract repeated JavaScript code out into a separate file.mp4 3.58Мб
4. Extract repeated JavaScript code out into a separate file.vtt 1.23Кб
4. Prevent duplicate form submissions using the Post Redirect Get pattern.mp4 3.61Мб
4. Prevent duplicate form submissions using the Post Redirect Get pattern.vtt 1.92Кб
4. Send the account activation email to the user.mp4 7.09Мб
4. Send the account activation email to the user.vtt 2.31Кб
4. Validate the email address is unique, allowing for the existing user record.mp4 7.40Мб
4. Validate the email address is unique, allowing for the existing user record.vtt 3.33Кб
4. Validate the signup page in the browser using JavaScript.mp4 5.84Мб
4. Validate the signup page in the browser using JavaScript.vtt 2.48Кб
5.1 List of jQuery Validation Plugin built-in validation methods.html 145б
5.1 RFC 7231 The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Semantics and Content The location field.html 110б
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 468.63Кб
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 474.94Кб
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 476.71Кб
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 478.02Кб
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 479.24Кб
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 989.34Кб
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 991.19Кб
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 992.78Кб
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 995.01Кб
5.1 source-code.zip.zip 995.75Кб
5.2 Bootstrap Buttons CSS.html 97б
5.2 The addMethod() method of the jQuery Validation Plugin.html 117б
5.2 The HTTP 303 response status code.html 99б
5.3 source-code.zip.zip 470.59Кб
5.3 The PHP header function.html 105б
5.4 URL redirect status codes and characteristics.html 148б
5.5 source-code.zip.zip 691б
5. Add a flash message when logging out.mp4 3.55Мб
5. Add a flash message when logging out.vtt 1.44Кб
5. Add a remember me checkbox to the login form.mp4 6.26Мб
5. Add a remember me checkbox to the login form.vtt 2.82Кб
5. Add styles to buttons.mp4 3.13Мб
5. Add styles to buttons.vtt 1.02Кб
5. Create and display the signup page.mp4 4.04Мб
5. Create and display the signup page.vtt 2.02Кб
5. Create a new database and configure the framework to use it.mp4 5.62Мб
5. Create a new database and configure the framework to use it.vtt 2.30Кб
5. Make changing the password optional, but still validate it if supplied.mp4 5.49Мб
5. Make changing the password optional, but still validate it if supplied.vtt 2.71Кб
5. Process the forgotten password form in the controller.mp4 4.42Мб
5. Process the forgotten password form in the controller.vtt 1.70Кб
5. Process the password reset form in the controller.mp4 4.98Мб
5. Process the password reset form in the controller.vtt 2.06Кб
5. Redirecting to another page using PHP how, why and best practices.mp4 9.45Мб
5. Redirecting to another page using PHP how, why and best practices.vtt 4.61Кб
5. Redisplay the email address in the login form when authentication fails.mp4 2.48Мб
5. Redisplay the email address in the login form when authentication fails.vtt 1.30Кб
5. Require login for all action methods in a controller.mp4 3.48Мб
5. Require login for all action methods in a controller.vtt 1.31Кб
5. Restrict login if account not activated.mp4 3.84Мб
5. Restrict login if account not activated.vtt 1.35Кб
5. Validate the format of the password with a custom validation method.mp4 4.32Мб
5. Validate the format of the password with a custom validation method.vtt 2.15Кб
6.1 Bootstrap Navbar Component.html 103б
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 468.84Кб
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 470.08Кб
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 474.97Кб
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 477.00Кб
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 478.33Кб
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 479.52Кб
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 307б
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 991.64Кб
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 993.24Кб
6.1 source-code.zip.zip 995.30Кб
6.1 The jQuery Validation Plugin remote method.html 104б
6.2 source-code.zip.zip 471.07Кб
6.2 source-code.zip.zip 995.79Кб
6. Add a base controller that requires login for all action methods.mp4 5.83Мб
6. Add a base controller that requires login for all action methods.vtt 2.51Кб
6. Add a CSS style sheet and style the flash messages.mp4 3.03Мб
6. Add a CSS style sheet and style the flash messages.vtt 1.31Кб
6. Add a redirect method to the core controller.mp4 3.73Мб
6. Add a redirect method to the core controller.vtt 1.41Кб
6. Add password reset fields to the user table in the database.mp4 3.14Мб
6. Add password reset fields to the user table in the database.vtt 1.13Кб
6. Add the form to the signup page.mp4 6.25Мб
6. Add the form to the signup page.vtt 3.32Кб
6. Process the account activation link and activate the account.mp4 10.22Мб
6. Process the account activation link and activate the account.vtt 3.87Кб
6. Redirect to the success page after a successful signup.mp4 2.06Мб
6. Redirect to the success page after a successful signup.vtt 1011б
6. Remember the login in the database.mp4 7.09Мб
6. Remember the login in the database.vtt 3.01Кб
6. Remove duplicated code and add an expired token view.mp4 6.68Мб
6. Remove duplicated code and add an expired token view.vtt 2.23Кб
6. Turn the navigation links into a navbar component.mp4 3.73Мб
6. Turn the navigation links into a navbar component.vtt 1.14Кб
6. Validate and save the profile data on the server.mp4 11.95Мб
6. Validate and save the profile data on the server.vtt 3.78Кб
6. Validate the email address is unique using an Ajax request.mp4 9.44Мб
6. Validate the email address is unique using an Ajax request.vtt 4.32Кб
7.1 Bootstrap Alert Component.html 103б
7.1 source-code.zip.zip 468.89Кб
7.1 source-code.zip.zip 603б
7.1 source-code.zip.zip 477.28Кб
7.1 source-code.zip.zip 478.54Кб
7.1 source-code.zip.zip 989.44Кб
7.1 source-code.zip.zip 991.76Кб
7.1 source-code.zip.zip 995.39Кб
7.1 The PHP setcookie function.html 108б
7.1 Why the Confirm Password Field Must Die.html 129б
7.2 source-code.zip.zip 1.22Кб
7.2 source-code.zip.zip 995.69Кб
7. Add flash message types and give them different styles.mp4 8.67Мб
7. Add flash message types and give them different styles.vtt 3.64Кб
7. Clean up duplicated code in the profile controller.mp4 8.40Мб
7. Clean up duplicated code in the profile controller.vtt 3.42Кб
7. Cookies in PHP the basics.mp4 8.97Мб
7. Cookies in PHP the basics.vtt 4.05Кб
7. Create the signup action in the controller.mp4 2.82Мб
7. Create the signup action in the controller.vtt 1.33Кб
7. Get the current authenticated user in controllers and views.mp4 6.43Мб
7. Get the current authenticated user in controllers and views.vtt 2.71Кб
7. Replace the flash message styles.mp4 2.19Мб
7. Replace the flash message styles.vtt 690б
7. Save a new password reset token and expiry with the user record.mp4 4.38Мб
7. Save a new password reset token and expiry with the user record.vtt 1.57Кб
7. Sessions in PHP make the web browser remember you.mp4 8.65Мб
7. Sessions in PHP make the web browser remember you.vtt 4.69Кб
7. The password confirmation field why it's a problem and how to fix it.mp4 5.26Мб
7. The password confirmation field why it's a problem and how to fix it.vtt 1.77Кб
7. Validate the password reset form on the server.mp4 12.53Мб
7. Validate the password reset form on the server.vtt 4.39Кб
7. Validate the signup data on the server.html 116б
8.1 Bootstrap Description Lists CSS.html 101б
8.1 source-code.zip.zip 1.28Кб
8.1 source-code.zip.zip 477.22Кб
8.1 source-code.zip.zip 479.59Кб
8.1 source-code.zip.zip 989.60Кб
8.1 source-code.zip.zip 992.08Кб
8.1 source-code.zip.zip 995.46Кб
8.1 The hideShowPassword JavaScript library.html 106б
8.1 The PHP session_start function.html 112б
8.2 source-code.zip.zip 473.74Кб
8.2 source-code.zip.zip 995.82Кб
8.2 Twig global variables.html 113б
8.2 xkcd Exploits of a Mom.html 82б
8.3 source-code.zip.zip 475.08Кб
8. Add site navigation with a link to the profile page.mp4 4.61Мб
8. Add site navigation with a link to the profile page.vtt 1.92Кб
8. Add styles when showing the user's profile data.mp4 1.61Мб
8. Add styles when showing the user's profile data.vtt 544б
8. Remember the login in a cookie.mp4 4.30Мб
8. Remember the login in a cookie.vtt 1.71Кб
8. Remove the password confirmation field and add a show password button.mp4 5.06Мб
8. Remove the password confirmation field and add a show password button.vtt 2.20Кб
8. Reset the user's password and clear the token and expiry.mp4 7.72Мб
8. Reset the user's password and clear the token and expiry.vtt 2.78Кб
8. Send the password reset email to the user.mp4 6.09Мб
8. Send the password reset email to the user.vtt 2.34Кб
8. Simplify the code remove the isLoggedIn method.mp4 4.85Мб
8. Simplify the code remove the isLoggedIn method.vtt 2.08Кб
8. Understand the danger from SQL injection attacks.mp4 6.92Мб
8. Understand the danger from SQL injection attacks.vtt 3.62Кб
8. Use the session to remember the login and view the logged-in status.mp4 7.34Мб
8. Use the session to remember the login and view the logged-in status.vtt 3.86Кб
9.1 PDO prepared statements.html 113б
9.1 source-code.zip.zip 779б
9.1 source-code.zip.zip 480.50Кб
9.1 source-code.zip.zip 990.05Кб
9.2 source-code.zip.zip 2.63Кб
9.2 The PHP session_destroy function.html 118б
9.3 PDO quote function.html 99б
9. Avoid SQL injection attacks using PDO.mp4 7.22Мб
9. Avoid SQL injection attacks using PDO.vtt 3.44Кб
9. Get the email content from a view template.mp4 6.86Мб
9. Get the email content from a view template.vtt 2.92Кб
9. Log in automatically using the token in the cookie.mp4 8.41Мб
9. Log in automatically using the token in the cookie.vtt 3.33Кб
9. Password reset.html 116б
9. Sessions in PHP completely destroy a session, even without closing the browser.mp4 6.32Мб
9. Sessions in PHP completely destroy a session, even without closing the browser.vtt 2.70Кб
9. Validate the signup data in the browser.html 116б
TutsNode.com.txt 63б
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