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Название MasterClass - Chris Voss - The Art of Negotiation
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150-02 - Mirroring - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 16.92Кб
150-02 - Mirroring - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 19.90Кб
150-03 - Labeling - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 16.90Кб
150-03 - Labeling - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 19.88Кб
150-04 - Exercise: Mirroring and Labeling - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 11.09Кб
150-04 - Exercise: Mirroring and Labeling - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 13.24Кб
150-11 - The Value of "No" - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 16.42Кб
150-11 - The Value of "No" - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 19.20Кб
150-12 - Mock Negotiation: Rival - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 13.62Кб
150-12 - Mock Negotiation: Rival - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 16.18Кб
150-15 - Mock Negotiation: Salary - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 18.82Кб
150-15 - Mock Negotiation: Salary - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 22.25Кб
150-18 - The Power of Negotiation - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 4.67Кб
150-18 - The Power of Negotiation - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 5.60Кб
150 - Bargaining - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 23.38Кб
150 - Bargaining - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 27.24Кб
150 - Bargaining - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 175.59Мб
150 - Bending Reality - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 16.22Кб
150 - Bending Reality - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 19.00Кб
150 - Bending Reality - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 146.09Мб
150 - Black Swans - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 16.99Кб
150 - Black Swans - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 19.81Кб
150 - Black Swans - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 137.26Мб
150 - Body Language & Speech Patterns - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 15.76Кб
150 - Body Language & Speech Patterns - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 18.51Кб
150 - Body Language & Speech Patterns - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 123.35Мб
150 - Case Study: Chase Manhattan Bank Robbery - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 16.15Кб
150 - Case Study: Chase Manhattan Bank Robbery - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 19.09Кб
150 - Case Study: Chase Manhattan Bank Robbery - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 213.14Мб
150 - Creating the Illusion of Control - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 17.83Кб
150 - Creating the Illusion of Control - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 20.81Кб
150 - Creating the Illusion of Control - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 149.06Мб
150 - Exercise: Mirroring and Labeling - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 86.84Мб
150 - Labeling - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 150.33Мб
150 - Mastering Delivery - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 16.37Кб
150 - Mastering Delivery - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 19.34Кб
150 - Mastering Delivery - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 141.99Мб
150 - Mirroring - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 136.02Мб
150 - Mock Negotiation: Rival - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 105.08Мб
150 - Mock Negotiation: Salary - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 147.44Мб
150 - Mock Negotiation: Teenager - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 17.77Кб
150 - Mock Negotiation: Teenager - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 21.21Кб
150 - Mock Negotiation: Teenager - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 135.38Мб
150 - Mock Negotiation: “60 Seconds or She Dies” - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 22.35Кб
150 - Mock Negotiation: “60 Seconds or She Dies” - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 26.85Кб
150 - Mock Negotiation: “60 Seconds or She Dies” - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 147.42Мб
150 - Tactical Empathy - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 15.46Кб
150 - Tactical Empathy - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 18.17Кб
150 - Tactical Empathy - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 124.29Мб
150 - The Accusations Audit - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.srt 11.82Кб
150 - The Accusations Audit - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.en.vtt 13.96Кб
150 - The Accusations Audit - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 105.83Мб
150 - The Power of Negotiation - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 42.48Мб
150 - The Value of "No" - Chris Voss Teaches The Art of Negotiation.mp4 146.17Мб
1576544307-cv_complete.pdf 831.67Кб
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