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Название Building Applications with React 17 and ASP.NET Core 6
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0 22б
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.32Кб
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.12Кб
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.88Кб
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.65Кб
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.40Кб
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.27Кб
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.44Кб
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.35Кб
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.21Кб
001 Introduction.en.srt 1.03Кб
001 Introduction.mp4 6.69Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 6.06Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 5.44Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 5.27Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 5.24Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 5.07Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 4.91Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 4.81Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 4.77Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 3.85Мб
002 Authentication and Authorization.en.srt 4.56Кб
002 Authentication and Authorization.mp4 16.26Мб
002 Building the Menu Component.en.srt 5.30Кб
002 Building the Menu Component.mp4 33.54Мб
002 Cleanup.en.srt 5.52Кб
002 Cleanup.en.srt 3.42Кб
002 Cleanup.mp4 38.09Мб
002 Cleanup.mp4 21.57Мб
002 Deploying the Web API to Azure App Service.en.srt 10.49Кб
002 Deploying the Web API to Azure App Service.mp4 50.21Мб
002 Installing Postman.en.srt 2.81Кб
002 Installing Postman.mp4 12.88Мб
002 Preparing the Development Environment.en.srt 3.08Кб
002 Preparing the Development Environment.mp4 14.45Мб
002 The Problem with HTML.en.srt 4.55Кб
002 The Problem with HTML.mp4 33.95Мб
002 Types of Forms.en.srt 4.98Кб
002 Types of Forms.mp4 21.47Мб
002 What is React_.en.srt 5.67Кб
002 What is React_.mp4 17.11Мб
003 A Solution is React.en.srt 10.26Кб
003 A Solution is React.mp4 59.68Мб
003 Axios, Environment Variables and CORS.en.srt 12.41Кб
003 Axios, Environment Variables and CORS.mp4 70.49Мб
003 Building Our First Form.en.srt 8.48Кб
003 Building Our First Form.mp4 48.92Мб
003 Configuring Routes with React Router.en.srt 9.38Кб
003 Configuring Routes with React Router.mp4 53.65Мб
003 Creating the Repository.en.srt 8.65Кб
003 Creating the Repository.mp4 60.63Мб
003 Debugging Errors in Production using Application Insights.en.srt 10.68Кб
003 Debugging Errors in Production using Application Insights.mp4 58.85Мб
003 Hiding Content If The User is Not Logged In.en.srt 5.04Кб
003 Hiding Content If The User is Not Logged In.mp4 28.23Мб
003 Individual Movie Component.en.srt 8.23Кб
003 Individual Movie Component.mp4 47.57Мб
003 Let and Const.en.srt 10.27Кб
003 Let and Const.mp4 50.40Мб
003 What is ASP.NET Core_.en.srt 5.13Кб
003 What is ASP.NET Core_.mp4 21.93Мб
004 Arrow Functions and this.en.srt 13.63Кб
004 Arrow Functions and this.mp4 76.21Мб
004 Component and Application Structure.en.srt 6.47Кб
004 Component and Application Structure.mp4 44.40Мб
004 Controllers and Actions.en.srt 14.21Кб
004 Controllers and Actions.mp4 79.48Мб
004 Deploying the React App to Firebase.en.srt 7.98Кб
004 Deploying the React App to Firebase.mp4 43.07Мб
004 Installing and Configuring Entity Framework Core.en.srt 10.23Кб
004 Installing and Configuring Entity Framework Core.mp4 65.92Мб
004 Installing Node.en.srt 1.90Кб
004 Installing Node.mp4 12.10Мб
004 Movies List Component.en.srt 7.68Кб
004 Movies List Component.mp4 55.93Мб
004 Route Configuration in an External File.en.srt 7.95Кб
004 Route Configuration in an External File.mp4 46.70Мб
004 Using Claims in our React App.en.srt 16.51Кб
004 Using Claims in our React App.mp4 116.12Мб
004 Validation Rules with Yup.en.srt 7.97Кб
004 Validation Rules with Yup.mp4 54.14Мб
005 Adding React and Using Create-React-App.en.srt 3.83Кб
005 Adding React and Using Create-React-App.mp4 27.58Мб
005 Building the Pages of our Project.en.srt 14.54Кб
005 Building the Pages of our Project.mp4 109.82Мб
005 Creating Genres - Web API.en.srt 4.87Кб
005 Creating Genres - Web API.mp4 35.65Мб
005 Custom Validation Rules.en.srt 7.74Кб
005 Custom Validation Rules.mp4 45.29Мб
005 Functional vs Class Components.en.srt 7.41Кб
005 Functional vs Class Components.mp4 32.77Мб
005 Making the MoviesList Component More Robust.en.srt 12.04Кб
005 Making the MoviesList Component More Robust.mp4 81.94Мб
005 Protecting Routes From Unauthorized Users.en.srt 5.58Кб
005 Protecting Routes From Unauthorized Users.mp4 45.63Мб
005 Routing Rules.en.srt 13.12Кб
005 Routing Rules.mp4 67.34Мб
005 Summary.en.srt 711б
005 Summary.mp4 3.78Мб
005 Template Strings.en.srt 6.33Кб
005 Template Strings.mp4 27.66Мб
006 ActionReturn.en.srt 6.19Кб
006 ActionReturn.mp4 33.71Мб
006 Configuring Identity.en.srt 9.42Кб
006 Configuring Identity.mp4 69.88Мб
006 Creating Genres - React.en.srt 7.09Кб
006 Creating Genres - React.mp4 39.44Мб
006 Disabling Button When Submitting the Form.en.srt 4.68Кб
006 Disabling Button When Submitting the Form.mp4 26.37Мб
006 Generic List Component.en.srt 5.93Кб
006 Generic List Component.mp4 36.44Мб
006 Installing Visual Studio.en.srt 5.28Кб
006 Installing Visual Studio.mp4 36.69Мб
006 Making a Simple Component.en.srt 3.71Кб
006 Making a Simple Component.mp4 18.19Мб
006 Ternary Operator.en.srt 3.67Кб
006 Ternary Operator.mp4 17.85Мб
006 Using JavaScript for Navigation.en.srt 4.00Кб
006 Using JavaScript for Navigation.mp4 14.46Мб
007 Asynchronous Programming.en.srt 7.36Кб
007 Asynchronous Programming.mp4 41.87Мб
007 Building the Register and Login Functionality.en.srt 12.77Кб
007 Building the Register and Login Functionality.mp4 102.27Мб
007 Creating the Edit Genres Form.en.srt 11.06Кб
007 Creating the Edit Genres Form.mp4 68.94Мб
007 Enhanced Object Literals.en.srt 8.13Кб
007 Enhanced Object Literals.mp4 41.38Мб
007 Installing Bootstrap.en.srt 6.23Кб
007 Installing Bootstrap.mp4 39.22Мб
007 Installing Visual Studio Code.en.srt 4.18Кб
007 Installing Visual Studio Code.mp4 28.58Мб
007 Route Parameters.en.srt 3.91Кб
007 Route Parameters.mp4 24.24Мб
007 Transform Errors into Arrays.en.srt 9.79Кб
007 Transform Errors into Arrays.mp4 75.55Мб
007 What is JSX_.en.srt 6.63Кб
007 What is JSX_.mp4 34.52Мб
008 Adding The New Kind of Errors to our ParseBadRequest Filter.mp4 20.70Мб
008 Destructuring.en.srt 8.12Кб
008 Destructuring.mp4 39.08Мб
008 Display Web API Errors in React.en.srt 4.66Кб
008 Display Web API Errors in React.mp4 31.25Мб
008 Fragments.en.srt 2.82Кб
008 Fragments.mp4 13.21Мб
008 Handling Routes that do not exist.en.srt 3.69Кб
008 Handling Routes that do not exist.mp4 28.71Мб
008 Installing the EF Core CLI Tool.en.srt 1.91Кб
008 Installing the EF Core CLI Tool.mp4 12.37Мб
008 Making the Filtering Movies Form.en.srt 12.56Кб
008 Making the Filtering Movies Form.mp4 90.09Мб
008 Model Binding.en.srt 10.87Кб
008 Model Binding.mp4 58.91Мб
008 Summary.en.srt 474б
008 Summary.mp4 1.90Мб
009 Building the Register Component.en.srt 13.32Кб
009 Building the Register Component.mp4 100.87Мб
009 Creating the Actors Form.en.srt 7.61Кб
009 Creating the Actors Form.mp4 51.74Мб
009 DTOs.en.srt 9.82Кб
009 DTOs.mp4 72.63Мб
009 Expressions in JSX.en.srt 6.65Кб
009 Expressions in JSX.mp4 30.94Мб
009 Front-End and Back-End.en.srt 3.29Кб
009 Front-End and Back-End.mp4 9.94Мб
009 Model Validation.en.srt 9.67Кб
009 Model Validation.mp4 46.42Мб
009 Spread Operator - Arrays.en.srt 7.81Кб
009 Spread Operator - Arrays.mp4 39.35Мб
009 Summary.en.srt 773б
009 Summary.mp4 2.98Мб
010 Building the Login Component.en.srt 8.78Кб
010 Building the Login Component.mp4 56.76Мб
010 Conditionals - Ternary Operator.en.srt 3.69Кб
010 Conditionals - Ternary Operator.mp4 15.93Мб
010 Creating the React App.en.srt 7.76Кб
010 Creating the React App.mp4 57.05Мб
010 Custom Validation.en.srt 12.68Кб
010 Custom Validation.mp4 78.62Мб
010 Index Genres.en.srt 5.27Кб
010 Index Genres.mp4 34.08Мб
010 Spread Operator - Objects.en.srt 6.12Кб
010 Spread Operator - Objects.mp4 38.47Мб
010 Working with Dates.en.srt 8.04Кб
010 Working with Dates.mp4 58.82Мб
011 Classes.en.srt 9.90Кб
011 Classes.mp4 51.52Мб
011 Creating the Web API with Visual Studio.en.srt 4.38Кб
011 Creating the Web API with Visual Studio.mp4 23.60Мб
011 Dependency Injection.en.srt 8.50Кб
011 Dependency Injection.mp4 52.00Мб
011 Events - Reacting to User Interaction.en.srt 10.08Кб
011 Events - Reacting to User Interaction.mp4 52.14Мб
011 Extracting the Claims from the JWT.en.srt 15.89Кб
011 Extracting the Claims from the JWT.mp4 116.94Мб
011 Pagination - Web API.en.srt 9.60Кб
011 Pagination - Web API.mp4 79.92Мб
011 Selecting the Picture of the Actor.en.srt 18.00Кб
011 Selecting the Picture of the Actor.mp4 134.78Мб
012 Building the Pagination Component.en.srt 11.95Кб
012 Building the Pagination Component.mp4 89.45Мб
012 Building the Rating Functionality - Web API.en.srt 10.99Кб
012 Building the Rating Functionality - Web API.mp4 88.88Мб
012 Creating the Web API with Visual Studio Code and the dotnet CLI.en.srt 8.60Кб
012 Creating the Web API with Visual Studio Code and the dotnet CLI.mp4 63.64Мб
012 Formatted Text with Markdown.en.srt 7.83Кб
012 Formatted Text with Markdown.mp4 52.78Мб
012 Map Function.en.srt 5.31Кб
012 Map Function.mp4 31.91Мб
012 React Hooks and useState.en.srt 5.91Кб
012 React Hooks and useState.mp4 22.48Мб
012 Services.en.srt 14.05Кб
012 Services.mp4 90.42Мб
013 Creating the Combined Project.en.srt 6.93Кб
013 Creating the Combined Project.mp4 36.05Мб
013 Creating the Movie Theaters Form.en.srt 6.52Кб
013 Creating the Movie Theaters Form.mp4 42.25Мб
013 Getting the Rating of the Movie.en.srt 7.24Кб
013 Getting the Rating of the Movie.mp4 68.57Мб
013 Loggers.en.srt 16.38Кб
013 Loggers.mp4 103.01Мб
013 Paginating Genres.en.srt 12.37Кб
013 Paginating Genres.mp4 95.37Мб
013 Promises and Async Programming.en.srt 14.10Кб
013 Promises and Async Programming.mp4 76.51Мб
013 Using the useState React Hook.en.srt 5.52Кб
013 Using the useState React Hook.mp4 38.45Мб
014 Conditionals - if-else.en.srt 9.27Кб
014 Conditionals - if-else.mp4 57.68Мб
014 Displaying Icons in the React App.en.srt 7.34Кб
014 Displaying Icons in the React App.mp4 59.12Мб
014 Editing Genres.en.srt 9.87Кб
014 Editing Genres.mp4 83.14Мб
014 Integrating Leaflet in React.en.srt 14.86Кб
014 Integrating Leaflet in React.mp4 133.46Мб
014 Middleware.en.srt 13.77Кб
014 Middleware.mp4 80.93Мб
014 Modules.en.srt 8.71Кб
014 Modules.mp4 42.98Мб
014 Summary.en.srt 1.71Кб
014 Summary.mp4 4.74Мб
015 Building the Ratings Component.en.srt 7.89Кб
015 Building the Ratings Component.mp4 74.42Мб
015 Deleting Genres.en.srt 8.86Кб
015 Deleting Genres.mp4 65.91Мб
015 Dynamically Generating UI from an Array.en.srt 8.88Кб
015 Dynamically Generating UI from an Array.mp4 44.89Мб
015 Filters.en.srt 11.56Кб
015 Filters.mp4 60.57Мб
015 Integrating Formik and Leaflet.en.srt 8.94Кб
015 Integrating Formik and Leaflet.mp4 76.90Мб
015 Source Code of the Course.html 976б
015 Summary.en.srt 2.59Кб
015 Summary.mp4 8.28Мб
016 Creating the Movies Form Component.en.srt 10.38Кб
016 Creating the Movies Form Component.mp4 79.36Мб
016 Custom and Global Filters.en.srt 10.82Кб
016 Custom and Global Filters.mp4 86.39Мб
016 Edit Entity.en.srt 15.18Кб
016 Edit Entity.mp4 111.42Мб
016 Reusing Functionality with Components - Parameters.en.srt 9.39Кб
016 Reusing Functionality with Components - Parameters.mp4 56.77Мб
016 Sending the JWT using Interceptors.en.srt 9.11Кб
016 Sending the JWT using Interceptors.mp4 70.24Мб
017 Building a Multiple Selector Component.en.srt 9.79Кб
017 Building a Multiple Selector Component.mp4 86.55Мб
017 Child to Parent Component Communication.en.srt 6.01Кб
017 Child to Parent Component Communication.mp4 37.88Мб
017 Configuring Claim-Based Authorization.en.srt 8.36Кб
017 Configuring Claim-Based Authorization.mp4 70.78Мб
017 Index Entities.en.srt 15.51Кб
017 Index Entities.mp4 122.44Мб
017 Summary.en.srt 1.64Кб
017 Summary.mp4 5.72Мб
018 Actor Entity.en.srt 8.44Кб
018 Actor Entity.mp4 70.75Мб
018 Assign Admin Claim - Web API.en.srt 5.80Кб
018 Assign Admin Claim - Web API.mp4 60.20Мб
018 Default Parameters.en.srt 2.96Кб
018 Default Parameters.mp4 17.95Мб
018 Relating Movies with Genres and Movie Theaters.en.srt 18.85Кб
018 Relating Movies with Genres and Movie Theaters.mp4 140.66Мб
019 Assign Admin Claim - React.en.srt 12.20Кб
019 Assign Admin Claim - React.mp4 92.43Мб
019 Creating the Typeahead.en.srt 11.00Кб
019 Creating the Typeahead.mp4 71.56Мб
019 Posting the Actor.en.srt 10.47Кб
019 Posting the Actor.mp4 77.48Мб
019 Projecting Content.en.srt 12.78Кб
019 Projecting Content.mp4 70.79Мб
020 CSS in React.en.srt 12.71Кб
020 CSS in React.mp4 74.19Мб
020 Listing the Selected Actors.en.srt 15.97Кб
020 Listing the Selected Actors.mp4 124.95Мб
020 Saving Images into Azure Storage.en.srt 14.79Кб
020 Saving Images into Azure Storage.mp4 115.31Мб
020 Summary.en.srt 1.27Кб
020 Summary.mp4 3.93Мб
021 Introduction to useEffect.en.srt 2.24Кб
021 Introduction to useEffect.mp4 10.36Мб
021 Reordering Elements in a List.en.srt 10.98Кб
021 Reordering Elements in a List.mp4 79.59Мб
021 Saving Images Locally - Optional.en.srt 7.83Кб
021 Saving Images Locally - Optional.mp4 75.34Мб
022 Actors Index.en.srt 4.56Кб
022 Actors Index.mp4 37.31Мб
022 Making a Footer.en.srt 1.44Кб
022 Making a Footer.mp4 7.25Мб
022 Using useEffect.en.srt 11.50Кб
022 Using useEffect.mp4 59.21Мб
023 Editing Actors.en.srt 10.63Кб
023 Editing Actors.mp4 88.68Мб
023 Summary.en.srt 1.01Кб
023 Summary.mp4 3.46Мб
023 useContext React Hook for Message Broadcasting.en.srt 13.09Кб
023 useContext React Hook for Message Broadcasting.mp4 75.63Мб
024 Custom UI for Errors with ErrorBoundary.en.srt 15.02Кб
024 Custom UI for Errors with ErrorBoundary.mp4 91.72Мб
024 Movie Theater Entity.en.srt 17.25Кб
024 Movie Theater Entity.mp4 155.77Мб
025 Creating Movie Theaters.en.srt 3.54Кб
025 Creating Movie Theaters.mp4 30.81Мб
025 Introduction to prop-types.en.srt 3.24Кб
025 Introduction to prop-types.mp4 12.56Мб
026 Index Movie Theaters.en.srt 3.31Кб
026 Index Movie Theaters.mp4 31.60Мб
026 Summary.en.srt 2.86Кб
026 Summary.mp4 8.34Мб
027 Editing and Deleting Movie Theaters.en.srt 2.67Кб
027 Editing and Deleting Movie Theaters.mp4 21.60Мб
028 Movie Entity.en.srt 8.83Кб
028 Movie Entity.mp4 75.10Мб
029 Movie Creation Backend.en.srt 17.00Кб
029 Movie Creation Backend.mp4 163.56Мб
030 Loading the Data on the Movie Creation Page.en.srt 8.87Кб
030 Loading the Data on the Movie Creation Page.mp4 85.53Мб
031 Selecting Actors from the Database.en.srt 11.42Кб
031 Selecting Actors from the Database.mp4 96.82Мб
032 Creating a Movie.en.srt 10.10Кб
032 Creating a Movie.mp4 88.10Мб
033 Movie Details - Web API.en.srt 10.79Кб
033 Movie Details - Web API.mp4 104.55Мб
034 Movie Details - React - Part 1.en.srt 16.32Кб
034 Movie Details - React - Part 1.mp4 120.03Мб
035 Movie Details - React - Part 2.en.srt 11.64Кб
035 Movie Details - React - Part 2.mp4 107.14Мб
036 Landing Page.en.srt 7.35Кб
036 Landing Page.mp4 65.44Мб
037 Movie Edit - Backend.en.srt 8.12Кб
037 Movie Edit - Backend.mp4 89.00Мб
038 Movie Edit - React.en.srt 11.86Кб
038 Movie Edit - React.mp4 109.15Мб
039 Deleting a Movie.en.srt 10.03Кб
039 Deleting a Movie.mp4 75.77Мб
040 Movie Filter - Web API.en.srt 6.67Кб
040 Movie Filter - Web API.mp4 62.05Мб
041 Movie Filter - React - Part 1.en.srt 12.35Кб
041 Movie Filter - React - Part 1.mp4 102.98Мб
042 Movie Filter - React - Part 2.en.srt 11.68Кб
042 Movie Filter - React - Part 2.mp4 108.86Мб
043 Summary.en.srt 1.13Кб
043 Summary.mp4 3.34Мб
087 Command.txt 113б
1 28б
10 705.72Кб
100 617.06Кб
101 955.81Кб
102 19.71Кб
103 772.44Кб
104 128.52Кб
105 631.08Кб
106 577.66Кб
107 666.30Кб
108 795.59Кб
109 943.03Кб
11 591.16Кб
110 541.61Кб
111 566.06Кб
112 930.56Кб
113 119.23Кб
114 708.20Кб
115 317.71Кб
116 571.79Кб
117 969.67Кб
118 355.81Кб
119 488.37Кб
12 180.90Кб
120 943.27Кб
121 51.35Кб
122 292.78Кб
123 469.55Кб
124 230.70Кб
125 92.52Кб
126 407.83Кб
127 771.86Кб
128 59.38Кб
129 190.58Кб
13 865.89Кб
130 297.65Кб
131 427.40Кб
132 793.30Кб
133 349.56Кб
134 426.50Кб
135 648.65Кб
136 782.48Кб
137 408.17Кб
138 531.15Кб
139 72.50Кб
14 145.13Кб
140 412.92Кб
141 440.49Кб
142 541.92Кб
143 310.98Кб
144 825.98Кб
145 55.20Кб
146 152.79Кб
147 910.75Кб
148 753.69Кб
149 73.94Кб
15 882.24Кб
150 557.70Кб
151 567.45Кб
152 805.72Кб
153 126.76Кб
154 453.95Кб
155 644.31Кб
156 918.12Кб
157 652.16Кб
158 66.35Кб
159 680.49Кб
16 457.10Кб
160 732.21Кб
161 765.89Кб
162 315.64Кб
163 964.00Кб
164 290.62Кб
165 568.46Кб
166 742.96Кб
167 775.47Кб
168 953.64Кб
169 93.63Кб
17 1012.94Кб
170 193.59Кб
170 Displaying Icons in the React App.txt 62б
171 234.78Кб
172 264.29Кб
173 69.26Кб
174 154.09Кб
175 224.78Кб
176 548.01Кб
177 674.60Кб
178 18.14Кб
18 23.06Кб
19 743.12Кб
2 18б
20 132.05Кб
21 179.90Кб
22 647.50Кб
23 585.96Кб
24 282.14Кб
25 595.53Кб
26 929.25Кб
27 559.37Кб
28 1020.17Кб
29 124.02Кб
3 15б
30 328.92Кб
31 924.41Кб
32 462.27Кб
33 620.53Кб
34 477.43Кб
35 884.61Кб
36 65.46Кб
37 72.62Кб
38 84.86Кб
39 421.74Кб
4 384.38Кб
40 534.90Кб
41 656.32Кб
42 384.33Кб
43 529.98Кб
44 106.07Кб
45 506.02Кб
46 804.22Кб
47 236.63Кб
48 375.76Кб
49 457.23Кб
5 54.48Кб
50 671.05Кб
51 919.30Кб
52 598.52Кб
53 829.02Кб
54 381.88Кб
55 446.94Кб
56 210.35Кб
57 220.71Кб
58 254.09Кб
59 517.88Кб
6 574.43Кб
60 780.12Кб
61 124.37Кб
62 56.56Кб
63 443.49Кб
64 679.17Кб
65 82.54Кб
66 93.48Кб
67 575.59Кб
68 368.44Кб
69 976.17Кб
7 993.42Кб
70 375.79Кб
71 442.81Кб
72 814.68Кб
73 325.33Кб
74 806.30Кб
75 905.65Кб
76 88.66Кб
77 155.04Кб
78 187.73Кб
79 329.68Кб
8 59.83Кб
80 975.32Кб
81 238.76Кб
82 241.92Кб
83 67.92Кб
84 877.93Кб
85 358.75Кб
86 221.58Кб
87 883.11Кб
88 1023.67Кб
89 268.12Кб
9 902.74Кб
90 487.16Кб
91 616.10Кб
92 805.42Кб
93 81.06Кб
94 442.56Кб
95 307.44Кб
96 594.43Кб
97 375.46Кб
98 726.66Кб
99 110.33Кб
TutsNode.com.txt 63б
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