Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You
cannot download any of those files from here.
[TGx]Downloaded from .txt |
585B |
0 |
412.36KB |
1 |
832.94KB |
1. Into to Multiple Palo Alto FW Admins .mp4 |
16.81MB |
1. Intro to Address Translation on the Palo Alto FW .mp4 |
14.53MB |
1. Intro to Anti-Spyware & Vuln. Protection .mp4 |
13.93MB |
1. Intro to Building a Lab using ESXi .mp4 |
23.00MB |
1. Intro to Configuring Palo Alto Firewall Management Access .mp4 |
14.09MB |
1. Intro to Destination NAT .mp4 |
9.69MB |
1. Intro to L2, VLAN, & Sub-Interfaces .mp4 |
15.85MB |
1. Intro to Managing Palo Alto FW Updates .mp4 |
17.38MB |
1. Intro to Optimizing PA FW Security Policies .mp4 |
22.46MB |
1. Intro to Palo Alto FW Antivirus and WildFire .mp4 |
25.70MB |
1. Intro to Palo Alto FW App-IDs .mp4 |
27.13MB |
1. Intro to Palo Alto FW User-ID .mp4 |
10.92MB |
1. Intro to Palo Alto FW Virtual Wire .mp4 |
16.43MB |
1. Intro to Palo Alto IPv4 FW Routing .mp4 |
8.30MB |
1. Intro to Panorama .mp4 |
37.80MB |
1. Intro to Security Policy Fundamentals .mp4 |
16.07MB |
1. Intro to SSL Forward Proxy .mp4 |
113.94MB |
1. Intro to URL Filtering .mp4 |
30.70MB |
10 |
170.30KB |
10. Configure and Verify BGP .mp4 |
37.14MB |
10. Importing FW Configurations .mp4 |
70.41MB |
10. Stateful Firewalls .mp4 |
54.35MB |
10. Verifying WildFire Analysis .mp4 |
76.91MB |
100 |
888.02KB |
101 |
41.31KB |
102 |
797.88KB |
103 |
51.39KB |
104 |
251.39KB |
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146.93KB |
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203.67KB |
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880.62KB |
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36.96KB |
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222.79KB |
11 |
552.34KB |
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375.38KB |
111 |
739.17KB |
112 |
958.77KB |
113 |
196.01KB |
114 |
349.76KB |
115 |
677.43KB |
116 |
411.32KB |
117 |
783.72KB |
118 |
310.53KB |
119 |
29.89KB |
12 |
733.83KB |
120 |
509.67KB |
121 |
890.13KB |
122 |
381.35KB |
123 |
310.61KB |
124 |
815.82KB |
125 |
1018.98KB |
126 |
178.14KB |
127 |
366.80KB |
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557.48KB |
129 |
800.88KB |
13 |
196.67KB |
130 |
578.88KB |
131 |
213.88KB |
132 |
636.54KB |
133 |
197.98KB |
134 |
585.32KB |
135 |
954.51KB |
136 |
149.68KB |
137 |
424.71KB |
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484.59KB |
139 |
929.09KB |
14 |
460.93KB |
140 |
71.48KB |
141 |
78.61KB |
142 |
320.93KB |
15 |
97.05KB |
16 |
158.24KB |
17 |
319.81KB |
18 |
414.28KB |
19 |
587.30KB |
2 |
274.51KB |
2. Address Translation Overview .mp4 |
239.19MB |
2. Anti-Spyware Profiles .mp4 |
78.80MB |
2. Antivirus and Wildfire Overview .mp4 |
87.52MB |
2. App-ID Overview .mp4 |
144.29MB |
2. Destination NAT Overview .mp4 |
171.56MB |
2. ESXi Based Lab Overview .mp4 |
141.24MB |
2. Firewall Updates Overview .mp4 |
82.51MB |
2. L2, VLAN, & Sub-Interfaces Overview .mp4 |
276.60MB |
2. Management Access Overview .mp4 |
113.05MB |
2. Multiple Firewall Admins Overview .mp4 |
104.94MB |
2. Palo Alto FW IPv4 Routing Overview .mp4 |
97.33MB |
2. Panorama Overview .mp4 |
165.10MB |
2. Policy Optimization Overview .mp4 |
98.43MB |
2. Security Policy Fundamentals Overview .mp4 |
166.33MB |
2. SSL-TLS Decryption Overview .mp4 |
123.85MB |
2. URL Filtering Overview .mp4 |
133.83MB |
2. User-ID Overview .mp4 |
127.55MB |
2. Virtual Wire Overview .mp4 |
190.73MB |
20 |
363.32KB |
21 |
462.15KB |
22 |
1007.45KB |
23 |
66.43KB |
24 |
976.65KB |
25 |
1023.67KB |
26 |
272.43KB |
27 |
60.34KB |
28 |
813.42KB |
29 |
824.06KB |
3 |
448.18KB |
3. Add Access to DMZ from Outside .mp4 |
27.50MB |
3. Adding Deny Rules Matching Dynamic Lists .mp4 |
60.05MB |
3. Adding Directly Connected Routes .mp4 |
65.74MB |
3. Application Object Fundamentals .mp4 |
55.56MB |
3. Bringing Up a New FW .mp4 |
84.87MB |
3. Configure an LDAP Server Profile .mp4 |
44.51MB |
3. Confirm the Lab Topology .mp4 |
48.90MB |
3. Create VLANs and Zones .mp4 |
46.40MB |
3. Deploying the Panorama VM .mp4 |
36.96MB |
3. Deploy the Firewall VM .mp4 |
22.64MB |
3. Destination NAT Game Plan .mp4 |
84.96MB |
3. Game Plan for AV and WildFire .mp4 |
66.37MB |
3. Source NAT Game Plan .mp4 |
83.96MB |
3. SSL Decryption Game Plan .mp4 |
55.37MB |
3. URL Category Directly in Security Policy Rule .mp4 |
59.57MB |
3. User-ID Game Plan .mp4 |
65.67MB |
3. Using the CLI for Management .mp4 |
114.65MB |
3. Virtual Wire Between Clients and a Server .mp4 |
71.23MB |
30 |
512.79KB |
31 |
588.34KB |
32 |
682.88KB |
33 |
611.54KB |
34 |
1007.46KB |
35 |
7.62KB |
36 |
232.07KB |
37 |
703.67KB |
38 |
576.38KB |
39 |
226.14KB |
4 |
690.49KB |
4. Adding a Static Default Route .mp4 |
70.17MB |
4. App-IDs in Security Policy Rules .mp4 |
20.43MB |
4. Configure an Authentication Profile .mp4 |
22.22MB |
4. Configure FW to Trust Corporate CA .mp4 |
26.63MB |
4. Create a Basic Security Policy .mp4 |
74.96MB |
4. Create L2 and Sub-Interfaces .mp4 |
45.46MB |
4. Creating an Antivirus Profile .mp4 |
33.60MB |
4. Custom URL Categories .mp4 |
41.13MB |
4. Destination NAT with Static IP .mp4 |
95.99MB |
4. ESXi Networking .mp4 |
34.34MB |
4. Injection Attack Demonstration .mp4 |
77.87MB |
4. Installing Dynamic Updates .mp4 |
144.68MB |
4. Permitting Traffic Through the Virtual Wire .mp4 |
45.55MB |
4. Setting up User-ID .mp4 |
66.09MB |
4. Source NAT with Static IP (SIP) .mp4 |
101.20MB |
4. Testing Policy Matches .mp4 |
46.66MB |
4. Using a Cert for Management .mp4 |
44.93MB |
4. Using the GUI for Management .mp4 |
34.66MB |
40 |
219.48KB |
41 |
489.81KB |
42 |
43.99KB |
43 |
133.95KB |
44 |
41.93KB |
45 |
501.96KB |
46 |
592.26KB |
47 |
205.70KB |
48 |
266.07KB |
49 |
608.92KB |
5 |
925.36KB |
5. Adding a Second Default Route Using ISP-B .mp4 |
67.56MB |
5. Adding Firewalls to Panorama .mp4 |
56.89MB |
5. Adding NAT to the Virtual Wire .mp4 |
70.44MB |
5. Adding User-ID in Security Policy Rules .mp4 |
44.10MB |
5. Application Groups in Security Policy Rules .mp4 |
55.82MB |
5. Create a Vulnerability Protection Profile .mp4 |
46.39MB |
5. Create Security Policy Rules .mp4 |
131.46MB |
5. Create Signing Cert for FW .mp4 |
62.89MB |
5. Creating a New Admin Account .mp4 |
60.55MB |
5. External Dynamic Lists .mp4 |
117.60MB |
5. Include IPv4 as Part of the Security Policy Rule .mp4 |
39.22MB |
5. Lab Routing with Vyos .mp4 |
36.06MB |
5. Port-based Destination NAT .mp4 |
72.21MB |
5. Source NAT with Dynamic IP (DIP) .mp4 |
93.44MB |
5. The Policy Optimizer .mp4 |
37.86MB |
5. Using APIs for Management .mp4 |
46.59MB |
5. Using Application Filters for New App-IDs .mp4 |
40.96MB |
5. Using the Antivirus Profile in a Security Policy .mp4 |
114.55MB |
50 |
132.86KB |
51 |
92.46KB |
52 |
743.47KB |
53 |
874.28KB |
54 |
586.04KB |
55 |
44.06KB |
56 |
811.35KB |
57 |
786.14KB |
58 |
445.35KB |
59 |
524.95KB |
6 |
327.43KB |
6. Access Restrictions .mp4 |
95.31MB |
6. Add LDAP and Group Mapping .mp4 |
38.75MB |
6. Application Filters .mp4 |
68.17MB |
6. Create Decryption Profile .mp4 |
25.20MB |
6. Create VLAN L3 Interfaces .mp4 |
70.57MB |
6. Creating a WildFire Analysis Profile .mp4 |
19.79MB |
6. Creating Templates .mp4 |
114.02MB |
6. DNAT for DNS Services Example .mp4 |
70.49MB |
6. Setting up Basic FW Management .mp4 |
66.27MB |
6. Source NAT with Dynamic IP and Port (DIPP) .mp4 |
115.43MB |
6. Testing a Vulnerability Protection Profile .mp4 |
110.00MB |
6. Update PAN-OS on the FW .mp4 |
130.28MB |
6. URL Filtering Security Profiles .mp4 |
99.50MB |
6. Using Address Objects in Security Policy .mp4 |
48.72MB |
6. Using an Authentication Sequence .mp4 |
55.20MB |
6. Using Path Monitoring .mp4 |
79.42MB |
6. Using Temporary Rules .mp4 |
90.78MB |
6. Virtual Wire Between Clients Their Gateway .mp4 |
103.21MB |
60 |
571.09KB |
61 |
599.54KB |
62 |
846.63KB |
63 |
851.62KB |
64 |
451.05KB |
65 |
776.86KB |
66 |
848.38KB |
67 |
642.35KB |
68 |
743.44KB |
69 |
936.10KB |
7 |
724.18KB |
7. Adding Color Coding to Zones .mp4 |
36.78MB |
7. Anti-Spyware and Vuln. Protection Overview .mp4 |
128.81MB |
7. Configure L3 Zones, Virtual Routers, and Interfaces .mp4 |
124.91MB |
7. Create Decryption Policy Rules .mp4 |
49.88MB |
7. Creating a Security Policy Rule .mp4 |
36.28MB |
7. Creating Template Stacks .mp4 |
67.17MB |
7. DNAT Using FQDN (Dynamic IP) .mp4 |
96.02MB |
7. Dynamic Routing Protocols Overview .mp4 |
142.94MB |
7. Grouping Rules by Tag .mp4 |
38.95MB |
7. Modifying the URL Filtering Profile .mp4 |
47.19MB |
7. Service Routes .mp4 |
58.12MB |
7. Testing VLAN Interfaces .mp4 |
76.27MB |
7. Using Groups in Security Policy .mp4 |
67.24MB |
7. Using Logs and Reports .mp4 |
75.43MB |
7. Using the WildFire Analysis Profile in Policy .mp4 |
14.59MB |
7. Working with Locks .mp4 |
45.97MB |
70 |
266.88KB |
71 |
340.71KB |
72 |
116.95KB |
73 |
631.95KB |
74 |
456.74KB |
75 |
974.98KB |
76 |
436.12KB |
77 |
768.17KB |
78 |
901.98KB |
79 |
109.81KB |
8 |
56.87KB |
8. Adding Logging to the Interzone-default Rule .mp4 |
58.25MB |
8. Configure and Verify RIP .mp4 |
35.81MB |
8. Configure WildFire Settings .mp4 |
22.83MB |
8. LAB Clients and Servers .mp4 |
87.79MB |
8. Managing Configurations .mp4 |
96.40MB |
8. Rule Shadowing .mp4 |
51.48MB |
8. TAP Interfaces .mp4 |
107.73MB |
8. Testing SSL Decryption .mp4 |
78.74MB |
8. Troubleshooting Virtual Wire and DHCP .mp4 |
76.15MB |
8. Using Objects in Devices Groups .mp4 |
95.77MB |
8. Using the Application Command Center (ACC) .mp4 |
62.38MB |
80 |
187.81KB |
81 |
451.79KB |
82 |
643.05KB |
83 |
815.43KB |
84 |
664.85KB |
85 |
534.07KB |
86 |
123.09KB |
87 |
100.85KB |
88 |
284.68KB |
89 |
832.30KB |
9 |
781.58KB |
9. Adding a Cert for FW Management .mp4 |
78.41MB |
9. Antivirus and WildFire Updates .mp4 |
28.97MB |
9. Configure and Verify OSPF .mp4 |
36.63MB |
9. Policies in Device Groups .mp4 |
32.23MB |
9. Using Applications in Security Policies .mp4 |
121.69MB |
90 |
343.75KB |
91 |
415.34KB |
92 |
612.68KB |
93 |
627.69KB |
94 |
26.55KB |
95 |
460.99KB |
96 |
555.82KB |
97 |
67.83KB |
98 |
500.25KB |
99 |
917.92KB | |
63B |