Torrent Info
Title 80s Spaces
Size 167.23MB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
01- Almost Dry.preset 1.40KB
01- Bulk Gate.preset 1.38KB
01- Compact Orchestra.preset 1.34KB
01- Extender.preset 1.40KB
01- Fresh Air.preset 1.43KB
01- MS Class.preset 1.43KB
01- RoomyGate.preset 1.42KB
01- Small A.preset 1.36KB
01- Snare King.preset 1.35KB
01- Studio Room.preset 1.42KB
01- Sunrise Gate.preset 1.41KB
01- Synth Melody.preset 1.44KB
01- Vocal.preset 1.35KB
01- Wideness.preset 1.35KB
02- Crunk.preset 1.42KB
02- Dark Notes.preset 1.42KB
02- Deep.preset 1.35KB
02- Dense & Proud.preset 1.40KB
02- Digital 1.preset 1.35KB
02- Digital Warm .preset 1.41KB
02- EnveloGate.preset 1.40KB
02- Focus.preset 1.42KB
02- JPX.preset 1.44KB
02- Large+Stage.preset 1.35KB
02- Slow Stereo.preset 1.35KB
02- Smile Place.preset 1.35KB
02- Stereo Reverse.preset 1.43KB
02- Wide Vibe.preset 1.46KB
03- Concert.preset 1.35KB
03- Concert.preset 1.35KB
03- Concert Nr5.preset 1.35KB
03- Digital Flux.preset 1.40KB
03- Digital Rain .preset 1.42KB
03- Dots.preset 1.36KB
03- Female Lead.preset 1.35KB
03- Gymnasium.preset 1.35KB
03- Late Funk.preset 1.44KB
03- Ligh Reflections.preset 1.44KB
03- Metallic Gate.preset 1.41KB
03- Narrow.preset 1.43KB
03- Tuff Place.preset 1.44KB
03- Wide 90.preset 1.45KB
04- Blue70 Ambience.preset 1.42KB
04- Church.preset 1.35KB
04- Classic L.preset 1.43KB
04- Hybrid Concert.preset 1.35KB
04- Inversigate.preset 1.41KB
04- KeyPlate.preset 1.42KB
04- Light Compact.preset 1.43KB
04- Mono Room.preset 1.36KB
04- MSLive.preset 1.40KB
04- Northwest.preset 1.35KB
04- Park A.preset 1.35KB
04- Small Church.preset 1.44KB
04- Solid.preset 1.41KB
04- Wrapping.preset 1.37KB
05- Bamboo.preset 1.35KB
05- Big Spare.preset 1.40KB
05- Compact Section.preset 1.43KB
05- Concert Class.preset 1.36KB
05- Digital Gate.preset 1.39KB
05- Follower.preset 1.41KB
05- L48+Stage.preset 1.44KB
05- Late.preset 1.43KB
05- Looser.preset 1.43KB
05- Monovision.preset 1.42KB
05- Reverb Ramp.preset 1.35KB
05- Small Plus.preset 1.35KB
05- Stadium.preset 1.35KB
05- Wizard.preset 1.44KB
06- Bang Kick.preset 1.43KB
06- BigOne.preset 1.36KB
06- Breating Canyon.preset 1.35KB
06- Cold Compact Tail.preset 1.35KB
06- Concert Wave.preset 1.35KB
06- Giulia's Hall.preset 1.42KB
06- MS Pad.preset 1.44KB
06- Old 200.preset 1.43KB
06- Roll Off 224.preset 1.45KB
06- Slowing.preset 1.46KB
06- Slow Reverse.preset 1.38KB
06- Small B.preset 1.35KB
06- Spreader.preset 1.43KB
06- Talk Inverse.preset 1.38KB
07- Digital Plate.preset 1.40KB
07- ExO.preset 1.41KB
07- Fla Gate Room.preset 1.35KB
07- FluX Kick.preset 1.43KB
07- Focus & Spot.preset 1.45KB
07- L24 Deep .preset 1.44KB
07- LoFi.preset 1.42KB
07- Long Linear.preset 1.35KB
07- Long Strings.preset 1.35KB
07- Mody Slap.preset 1.45KB
07- Presence.preset 1.35KB
07- R-Hall 1.preset 1.35KB
07- Rich Tone.preset 1.41KB
07- UltraDeep.preset 1.44KB
08- Acoustic Percussions.preset 1.35KB
08- Big48 Vocal.preset 1.42KB
08- Brass Sect.preset 1.45KB
08- Compact Wide .preset 1.41KB
08- Digital 2.preset 1.35KB
08- Fat Mod.preset 1.47KB
08- Gated.preset 1.42KB
08- MSFriend.preset 1.44KB
08- Oldies Kick.preset 1.43KB
08- Piano Hall.preset 1.35KB
08- RevEfx #1.preset 1.40KB
08- Small Vocal.preset 1.36KB
08- Snare Place.preset 1.35KB
08- Yah90.preset 1.40KB
09- Deep Strings.preset 1.43KB
09- Digital Jp.preset 1.35KB
09- Dude.preset 1.47KB
09- GoToMS.preset 1.43KB
09- Killer Kick.preset 1.33KB
09- Lady Vox.preset 1.41KB
09- Light Space.preset 1.35KB
09- Medium Space.preset 1.35KB
09- Organ Room .preset 1.41KB
09- RevEfx #2.preset 1.42KB
09- Small C.preset 1.36KB
09- Spare.preset 1.35KB
09- Sparkle.preset 1.45KB
09- Spazzing.preset 1.44KB
10- Choir.preset 1.35KB
10- Class Send.preset 1.43KB
10- Didjeridoo.preset 1.39KB
10- Drums Plate.preset 1.35KB
10- Ekoy.preset 1.45KB
10- Fat Chords.preset 1.44KB
10- HiFi Kick.preset 1.41KB
10- Marks Med Dark.preset 1.35KB
10- Old School Plate.preset 1.42KB
10- Organ.preset 1.42KB
10- R-Hall 2.preset 1.35KB
10- Rich Chamber.preset 1.35KB
10- SlappyChain.preset 1.44KB
10- Sweet Rack.preset 1.45KB
11- Chamber 1.preset 1.36KB
11- Dark Sprung.preset 1.45KB
11- Dense.preset 1.42KB
11- Do iT MS.preset 1.40KB
11- Echo Valley.preset 1.44KB
11- Freakin'.preset 1.42KB
11- Gate Plate 70.preset 1.35KB
11- Infinite.preset 1.35KB
11- Old School.preset 1.36KB
11- ParkArea.preset 1.44KB
11- Plate This.preset 1.43KB
11- Rhytm&Reverb.preset 1.35KB
11- Rich MsRoom.preset 1.43KB
11- Wide Snare.preset 1.43KB
12- 24 Digital.preset 1.40KB
12- 70Special.preset 1.43KB
12- AmS.preset 1.35KB
12- Big Plate.preset 1.35KB
12- Black Punch.preset 1.43KB
12- Breathy.preset 1.35KB
12- Chamber 2.preset 1.35KB
12- Choir.preset 1.43KB
12- Dark.preset 1.35KB
12- Female Light.preset 1.45KB
12- Flash NLin.preset 1.42KB
12- Gaty.preset 1.45KB
12- MultiMicroDly.preset 1.42KB
12- Spare Snare.preset 1.43KB
13- 80s Studio Vox.preset 1.43KB
13- Arpeggiator Expand.preset 1.44KB
13- Breath .preset 1.42KB
13- Chamber 3.preset 1.35KB
13- Concrete.preset 1.36KB
13- Dark Walls.preset 1.44KB
13- Digital FX.preset 1.42KB
13- Eko Smoothness.preset 1.45KB
13- Fat.preset 1.35KB
13- Feedback.preset 1.35KB
13- Hip Jap Sound.preset 1.40KB
13- Paper.preset 1.35KB
13- Sparkle Snare.preset 1.40KB
13- Vintage Unit.preset 1.45KB
14- Big Set.preset 1.35KB
14- Brass Section.preset 1.35KB
14- Brite Brass.preset 1.35KB
14- Chamber 4.preset 1.35KB
14- Classic AuX Send.preset 1.42KB
14- Classic PX.preset 1.43KB
14- Class Unit.preset 1.43KB
14- Dark Reverse.preset 1.46KB
14- Guitar.preset 1.35KB
14- L-R.preset 1.40KB
14- Prince Snare.preset 1.41KB
14- ThinWavy.preset 1.43KB
14- Vintage.preset 1.43KB
14- Wide Odyssey.preset 1.44KB
15- 80s Neat.preset 1.40KB
15- 80sPlate.preset 1.40KB
15- Bobb.preset 1.35KB
15- Concert Bright.preset 1.42KB
15- Drum Machine Snare.preset 1.43KB
15- Fat Reflections.preset 1.36KB
15- Long Chords.preset 1.43KB
15- LoQ.preset 1.35KB
15- Nightmare.preset 1.44KB
15- Rich&Dense.preset 1.35KB
15- Tape Dly.preset 1.42KB
15- Tonal Dark.preset 1.35KB
15- Vintage Fat.preset 1.44KB
15- Vintage Lead.preset 1.42KB
16- Amb-O-Rama.preset 1.42KB
16- Concert Dark.preset 1.43KB
16- Dark Mistery.preset 1.45KB
16- Hard Gate.preset 1.35KB
16- Large Vocals.preset 1.43KB
16- No Fake.preset 1.44KB
16- Organ Room .preset 1.35KB
16- Phil Toms.preset 1.44KB
16- RainboWerb.preset 1.41KB
16- SlowDown.preset 1.44KB
16- Superdry.preset 1.38KB
16- Tonal Bright.preset 1.35KB
16- Vocal.preset 1.35KB
16- Voice 1.preset 1.35KB
17- Control.preset 1.35KB
17- Darkness.preset 1.42KB
17- Extender.preset 1.40KB
17- Full Metal Gate.preset 1.35KB
17- Hude Dense.preset 1.35KB
17- Lush Tail.preset 1.42KB
17- Mr.Collins.preset 1.44KB
17- Multivox.preset 1.41KB
17- Nice Vocal.preset 1.35KB
17- Percussions.preset 1.35KB
17- Proper.preset 1.45KB
17- Rack Send.preset 1.39KB
17- Smoothness.preset 1.42KB
17- Thickness.preset 1.43KB
18- 24Plate.preset 1.36KB
18- 80sToms.preset 1.42KB
18- Beauty.preset 1.42KB
18- Deep & Wide.preset 1.44KB
18- Deep24.preset 1.44KB
18- Digital Posse.preset 1.41KB
18- Double Space.preset 1.35KB
18- Empty Big.preset 1.35KB
18- Mid Range.preset 1.41KB
18- Mute Room.preset 1.41KB
18- R16Warm.preset 1.45KB
18- Sqaush.preset 1.35KB
18- Table.preset 1.35KB
18- TwoTwoFourWarm.preset 1.46KB
19- Ballad Voice.preset 1.35KB
19- Broken Device.preset 1.45KB
19- DIsco Fill.preset 1.44KB
19- Huge Venue.preset 1.47KB
19- Mono Stud.preset 1.41KB
19- PingPong.preset 1.42KB
19- RadioGateRoom.preset 1.44KB
19- Short.preset 1.35KB
19- Shot.preset 1.35KB
19- Sounding Beauty.preset 1.42KB
19- Spare Notes.preset 1.43KB
19- Tight.preset 1.35KB
19- Warm Hug.preset 1.45KB
19- Yah 90.preset 1.35KB
20- 70 Linear .preset 1.43KB
20- Acoustic.preset 1.44KB
20- Acoustic Lady.preset 1.36KB
20- Deep Deep.preset 1.45KB
20- Digiplate.preset 1.35KB
20- Echoy.preset 1.35KB
20- Gate'd Vocal Room.preset 1.43KB
20- Locker.preset 1.35KB
20- Radio Reverse.preset 1.42KB
20- Rockin' Gate.preset 1.45KB
20- Seminverse.preset 1.35KB
20- Trippin'.preset 1.42KB
20- UpStereo.preset 1.44KB
20- Wide MS Toms.preset 1.43KB
21- Accurate.preset 1.35KB
21- Classic.preset 1.35KB
21- Claustro.preset 1.35KB
22- Crass.preset 1.35KB
22- Heaven.preset 1.36KB
22- Inverse Room.preset 1.35KB
23- Long.preset 1.35KB
23- Loser.preset 1.35KB
23- Shimmerish.preset 1.35KB
24- SmoothEko.preset 1.35KB
24- Vocal Ambience.preset 1.35KB
24- Warm.preset 1.35KB
25- LuckyYou.preset 1.35KB
25- Sbang.preset 1.35KB
25- Swell Reverb.preset 1.34KB
26- NonLin.preset 1.36KB
27- LoDense.preset 1.35KB
28- Thiny L-R.preset 1.35KB
29- NonLin EX.preset 1.35KB
30- Big Bright.preset 1.35KB
31- 80s.preset 1.35KB
32- VIntage.preset 1.35KB
33- Big Lo.preset 1.35KB
34- Extend.preset 1.35KB
35- Reverse.preset 1.35KB
36- Multidots.preset 1.35KB
37- Nightmare.preset 1.35KB
38- Slap.preset 1.35KB
39- Reversy.preset 1.35KB
40- Ekoplate.preset 1.35KB
80s Spaces.vst3 26.28MB
manual.pdf 4.61MB
Plugivery_KeyGen.exe 534.72KB
Preferences.settings 114B 45.33KB 135.35MB
SymLink DeInstaller.cmd 2.19KB
SymLink Installer.cmd 2.59KB
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